Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Third Birthday Letter to Rylee Girl

Dear Rylee Girl,

Happy birthday sweet girl! I love you so much. You are hilarious, quirky, and full of personality. You're so funny to watch. You definitely like to switch things up and add your own style to it. This past year you went over a month where you wore the same hat every single day. It didn't matter if you were going to church, the store or to bed it would be on your head. It was the cutest thing ever. You love to add suspenders and tutus to your outfits and often times you can be found wearing a costume as well. I super love it. You have discovered that you LOVE pink. You always ask for the pink fork or the pink plate and are sad if it's dirty and you have to use a different one. You also love to color pictures and that's also been adorable. You adore Minnie Mouse and ask for it every morning. You're in a really fun stage and I can't help but feel blessed that I get to experience watching you grow up. I love you so much Rylee Gene. Keep being exactly who you are! 💗



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