Monday, September 30, 2024

Addie's Tenth Birthday

Somehow my first baby turned ten years old. I remember when she was an infant and my friends had four and five year olds who seemed so big to me and now here I am with a grown ten year old. I went down memory lane and might have spent way too much time going through her old photos and videos. Miss Addie Rae LOVES reading, animals, art, crafts and cooking. Wherever we go she has a book in her hand. We got lucky with how responsible she is. Lately she's been reminding me of Matilda (but a loved version of her). When my alarm goes off at 6:30am to get up for the day she's already made herself breakfast, is all dressed for school and is sitting at the kitchen table reading a book while everyone else is still getting out of bed. She's pretty remarkable. She's really looking forward to ice skating here soon and I can't wait to watch her learn more. Happy birthday Addie, I might say this every year you get older and I'll say it again, I still can't believe you're ten.

All About Addie Year Ten

(According to Addie)

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Crepes
Favorite Shows: Dude Perfect
Favorite Songs: Hot and Cold by Katy Perry

Favorite Movies: Air Bud
Favorite Books: Wings of Fire
Favorite Snacks: Hot Coco, Cheetos and Popcorn
She Loves: Swimming, Arts and Crafts
Best Friend: Alee, Hayden and Josie
Favorite Toy: Kitty
Favorite Color: Blue
Bucketlist Vacation: Florida Everglades
Dream Job: Pet store worker, to hang out with pets everyday! (Also a zoologist or veterinarian)
Favorite Memory this Year: Floating the San Marcus River
Something She's Looking Forward To in Year Ten: Ice Skating

* Link to all other 'All About Addie' below.

With her birthday being on a Monday this year we decided to start our celebrations a little early over the weekend. We headed to Kingpins on Saturday for some laser tag which is what she requested we do. When we got there though we found out that they were completely booked and didn't have any openings for us to play. They told us that every slot was available on Monday though so we scheduled our time for when the kids got out of school and headed to the arcade section. The kids had so much fun. It was also a little easier for them to leave the place with minimal complaints since they knew we'd be back two days later.

We told Addie we'd open her presents up after school today since the twins were still asleep and she was okay with it. She got presents from us, Oma & Opa, her Ferguson grandparents and a whole box full of homemade cat crafts from Hudson that he's been excitedly making for her.
Last year I started doing lunches with them at school and hoped that it would turn into a tradition but sadly this new school doesn't allow that. That's okay maybe we'll find a weekend to sneak in our own lunch anyway.
She was gifted with a beautiful sunrise this morning. Pictures don't do it justice.
While she was at school I took Rylee and Quinn to a couple of stores to run some errands and they wanted to pick out a present for Addie to open as well. That Old Navy bag is from them. They picked out Cheetos because that's one of her favorite snacks and they were so excited for her to open it.
Home from school.
Opening presents.
Hudson's crafts.
Two of the stuffies she asked for. She got a lot of new ones today.
Finally laser tag time.
I took the first shift with the three older kids. It was Addie and Hudson vs Grant and me. Addie took first place, I took second, Hudson took third and Grant came in fourth.
Danny took the second round while I switched him and hung out with Rylee and Quinn. Unlike me he didn't go as easy on the kids haha. He took first place, Addie took second, Grant came in third and Hudson came in fourth. Grant had been so nervous to do this and spent most of the first round being as close to me as he could. He definitely felt more comfortable the second time around and Danny said he even went out on his own to play in the dark laser tag arena.
Arcade time again.
We then picked up her birthday dinner request (Dominos Pizza) and finished the night with cake and ice cream.
One of her presents was a box of a thousand new pipe cleaners. One of the things she loves doing is crafting dragons based off her favorite book series "Wings of Fire". Grandma Ferguson wanted me to take a picture of one so she could see what they looked like. This is one she made tonight.
Crazy how these pictures below almost feel like yesterday.
Happy birthday Addie Rae 💖

Past Birthday Links:

All About Addie Year Nine
All About Addie Year Eight
All About Addie Year Seven
All About Addie Year Six
All About Addie Year Five
All About Addie Year Four
All About Addie Year Three
All About Addie Year Two
All About Addie Year One

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