Monday, December 30, 2024

Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy

It's a big day for this brave boy. Hudson got his tonsils and adenoids taken out this morning, and is now at home. He's doing pretty good so far and hopefully we'll be able to manage his pain well. We got to the hospital before 9am this morning and got home sometime before 2pm. Overall, I think things went pretty well. We'll see how tonight goes.

Excited to get these things out.
And nervous as well.
I love this boy. 💙
A child specialist came and talked to him about what he could expect from the day.
Feeling so sad I couldn't follow him until he was at least put to sleep. He was so brave.
The surgery went by so fast. They said to expect it to be close to an hour but the doctor was done and talking with me after twenty minutes of surgery. I honestly don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Personally I feel like maybe more time should have been spent doing this but when I asked a nurse about it he told me that Dr. Hart is exceptionally good at this and I repeat "Dr. Hart is notoriously known for getting it done quick and fast and is exceptional at it." I've never heard the word notoriously be used in a good way so I googled it (later when I wasn't in front of the nurse) and it shows the definition as famous or well known. Although typically it is used with a negative reputation it can be used in a good way as well. I'm still not sure how I feel about it though. The nurse could tell I wasn't sure how to feel (and again this was before I googled it haha) and he added that if it were him he'd much rather have it done quick than slow. So I guess we'll just have to see how his recovery goes. He has a post-op appointment with Dr. Hart exactly one month from today. I'm hoping it goes well. When he woke up he was definitely hurting, which was expected. It was the coughing that he was doing which was so sad because it hurt each time he coughed but since he had tubes down his throat and it was swollen from surgery he felt like he had to keep coughing and thus the cycle. He did really well considering what he was going through though. Everyone was pleased to see that he was accepting juice and popsicles. The checklist of things they want to see before he leaves the hospital is basically if he can eat an entire popsicle. Hudson ate two before we left, so he did great. We spent a couple hours there before leaving because his pain was pretty high so they finally gave him some Oxycodone and that ended up being the magic drug for him. It worked, his pain levels came down and we were able to leave and continue his recovery at home. They said to expect up to 14 days of mild to severe pain and that kids typically recover faster than adults. I hope this all goes well. I do want to say that his nurses were amazing. They were so nice and kind to us. When Hudson woke up we found that a nurse had dressed up his three stuffies in hospital gear. His main nurse even let Hudson keep his koala hospital gown when he was supposed to return it because she thought he was so cute. The nurse that I was asking my questions to about the time length of his surgery was also great and was telling me how much Hudson looks like Charlie from The Santa Clause movie. I've never heard that comparison before but they're both really cute kids so I'll take it. Even Dr. Hart was super nice whenever we talked and I should just put all my trust and faith in him through this journey.
Poor boy was in so much pain when he woke up.
His favorite movie happened to be on. 
That provided a nice distraction as he was recovering in the recovery room.
The rest of the family all wanted to say hi to him.
Pictured below is Rylee and Daddy.
A little before picture for memories' sake. His tonsils were so big they basically touched his uvula.
Grant's tonsils for comparison.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Felix 2024

Well it's been three days since Felix 'left' but Rylee and Quinn still look for him every morning. They keep asking when he'll be back. Felix it was nice having you here and we have two little girls who are already counting down the days until they get to see you again. Until next year.

The kids' reactions to the elf is the only thing I really like about this tradition.
Rylee thought the bird on Felix's arm was the funniest thing ever. 
And then the bird followed Felix around for the rest of the month.
Hudson left Felix a note asking him what his favorite animal was. When we got back from running errands we found Felix with a pencil in his hand and the answer 'penguin' written on the paper.
Grant made Felix a little bracelet as a gift. 
Felix wore it everyday for him.

Somehow Felix ended up on the twin's little dollhouse bed with the lamppost included nearby.
Quinn especially thought this was hilarious.
See you next year Felix! 
And I guess now your pet bird too. 😁