Saturday, December 14, 2024

Ice Skating Lessons

The ice skating lessons have been completed and they all did so good! Addie's previous rollerskating experience definitely propelled her forward compared to the majority of the kids taking these lessons but even she was able to learn so much. Even the boys' previous hockey lessons had them feeling comfortable on the ice from the very first day. They all passed with certificates of completion. Hudson and Grant have completed level one and want to continue to level two. Addie was given certificates of completion for both level one and two and they said she could go ahead and jump right into intermediate three. She was so excited about that because she basically gets to skip right over level two. These lessons have really sparked a desire to go really far in skating which is awesome to watch. I've really enjoyed watching these kids glide on the ice. Who would have imagined this just a year ago when we were living in Texas that they would be experiencing hockey and ice skating by their next winter? Not us.

Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:
Rylee found a lady bug. We were shocked to find one seeing as it's freezing cold now in Fargo.
Lesson 4:
We accidentally put Hudson's skates on the wrong feet. And by we I mean me. I don't know how I confused that. But fifteen minutes into the lesson his instructor realized it and we were able to fix them.
"Mom take a picture of me" - Quinnie
"Me too mom" - Ryles
Lesson 5:
This was the morning of Hudson's baptism and Oma and Opa was able to be here to watch them.
Lesson 6:

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