Monday, December 4, 2017

All About Hudson!

Here's just some highlights and facts about our Huddy Buddy!

0 to 1 Month - Rolled over from belly to back on New Year's Eve. Starting to coo and loves to be held. Newborn clothes are snug, he wears 0-3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.
1 to 2 Months - Started smiling a lot more. Slept through the night for the first time. Was sick for most of the month.
     Stats: 12.92 lbs (73%) 23.5 in (79%)
2 to 3 Months - Discovered his hands and loves to eat them whenever he can. He's a thumb sucker. Spent a night in the hospital with RSV/Bronciolitis. Has slept through the night a few more times. Size two diapers.
3 to 4 Months - Found his voice and loves to use it by doing happy squeals just like Addie used to. Tries to roll over but gets stuck on his side. Reaches for his dangling toys. He LOVES to cover his face with blankets, towels, clothes, anything near him. Hasn't slept through the night this month. Sick again.
     Stats: 16.09 lbs (65%) 25.7 in (76%)
4 to 5 Months - Can roll over with ease now. Prefers to sleep on stomach or side. Still likes his thumb. Tries so hard to crawl. Loves standing up and playing in his jumper. He's a super smiley and chill kid. Usually soaking wet from drooling so much. Is eating baby food and loves all of it. Sick again.
5 to 6 Months - Has moved into Addie's room. Discovered he loves to soothe himself to sleep. Says MAMA!! :) Size three diapers.
     Stats: 18.41 lbs (68%) 27 in (66%)
6 to 7 Months - Started doing the walrus crawl! Has finally stopped spitting up after every meal and doesn't drool as much. Loves Addie and is always trying to play with whatever she's playing.
7 to 8 Months - Figured out how to crawl the correct way. Says Dada. One tooth. Pulls himself up to standing position. Walks along furniture. Stole a taco off Daddy's plate. Sick again.
8 to 9 Months - Claps, gives kisses, waves and now has stranger danger. Has sympathy towards those who are crying. He's working on his second tooth. Got a big boy car seat and is sick again.
     Stats: 19.73 lbs (52%) 29 in (78%)
9 to 10 Months - Can stand unassisted for a few seconds at a time. Won't take a step though. Walks with his little push toy. Has two teeth. Went on first family vacation to Southern California. Saw an eye specialist and will possibly have surgery on both eyes. Loves all table food. Still doesn't sleep through the night.
10 to 11 Months - Working on two more teeth. Had a Staph Infection. Points at what he wants. Slept though the night four nights in a row and then stopped with that.
11 to 12 Months - Does not sleep through the night. Took two steps. Loves the slide. Says baba and LOVE YOU. Now sleeps with a pillow. Hates formula and has accepted whole milk. Stopped nursing the week he turned one. Loves dogs. Best eater. Met Grandma and Grandpa Rueckert. Has four teeth. Still in size 3 diapers but will be in size 4 when this pack runs out.
     Stats: 21.52 lbs (53%) 30.5 in (76%)

List of his current words:
Uh Oh
Love You
At his dr checkup he measured 30.5 inches

Favorite Foods- Bananas, mac and cheese, tacos and spaghetti.
Favorite Book- How Does A Dinosaur Say Good Night.
He Can - Clap his hands, blow and give kisses, wave, stand, give high fives, point, dance, squeal, and give hugs.
He Weighs - 21 lbs
He Stands - 30.5 inches (updated from Dr visit). 
Teeth - 4 teeth, two on top and two on bottom.
Nicknames - Huddy, Huds, Bud, Huddy Buddy, Chunky Monkey
Loves - Dogs, Addie, MOMMY, showers, snuggling, books, toys in his mouth, eating and daddy.
Dislikes - When daddy is taking a shower and he can't get in. Not being part of story time.
Favorite Toys - Football, cars and his killer whale animal from Sea World.
Favorite Game - Chase.

Happy birthday Hudson Daniel! This kid has been through a lot in his first year. He was sick for most of the first seven months of his life. Starting it out with a knotted wrapped cord then dealt with jaundice, RSV, Bronchiolitis, every cold virus in his proximity, staph infection, chronic clogged tear ducts and yet he's still one of the most patient little babies I know. I also found out at his doctor's visit  today that he also has an umbilical hernia. :( Of course he's not showing any signs of discomfort because he's such a tough little boy. So grateful for him in our family.

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