Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Official Due Date

When we found out we were expecting another one the biggest question I wanted answered was "how long have I been pregnant without knowing?". I didn't know if I found out early on. Was I three weeks? Five weeks? Seven weeks? More? I haven't had a cycle since before Hudson was born. I was still nursing him and didn't think I would ovulate until I was done with that. So since I didn't have a period I wasn't sure when I ovulated. I had an appointment scheduled for December 13th which was perfect because I wanted to at least know a due date for when I would tell my parents at the Christmas party that weekend. At that appointment we were able to see our little bean. It turns out that we did find out when I was about 3.5 weeks. It's still so random that I even took that pregnancy test. If it wasn't for that joke Danny made at 2am I probably still wouldn't have tested today. The doctor felt like the baby was measuring six weeks and four days making the due date August 4th. He didn't want to make that the official measurement at the time and had me schedule another ultrasound for two weeks later (December 27th). 
That appointment was today. I went in and met with the sonographer and then we got my little bean up on that screen. The picture looked so much clearer from just the two week difference. The original measurements weren't too far off from what the sonographer measured. Instead of me being 8 weeks and four days it turns out that I am exactly 9 weeks pregnant. Only three days off but the new official due date is now August 1st. So when we first took the test on November 22nd I would've been four weeks pregnant. That's pretty early for us to find out since we had no clue that we could even be expecting. August will definitely be an interesting month but the reason why will be in another post.

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