Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hudson is One!!

Happy birthday Huddy Buddy!! His birthday was yesterday and we celebrated with a lumberjack themed birthday party and had people from both sides of the family show up to support him. We had him open his birthday presents from our little family first thing in the morning and then had breakfast with him. He loves blueberries and got plenty of it.
All of his presents were put in this box. For all future birthdays I will make sure
he has birthday wrapping paper instead of Christmas paper.

He played with his toys until it was time for lunch time and we had some pizza delivered. He was so worn out that he actually fell asleep in the highchair while eating. That has never happened before with him. It hasn't even happened before with Addie so I was sure to get a video of it. Hudson is really easy to transfer when he's tired so I took him out of the highchair and placed him in his crib for a nap. The nap was needed since we scheduled to do family pictures the same day and I needed him to be his happy usual self.

We got the family ready after his nap and headed to the tree lot where we got some pictures taken by a good friend in our ward. I'm excited to see how those pictures turned out since both kids mostly just wanted to explore the lot instead of sitting still to smile at the camera. We got back in time to get ready for the birthday party which was a success. Oma Rueckert made Hudson a birthday cake that was decorated like a log. It turned out perfect for his lumberjack theme. Danny and I wore flannel and some guests showed up wearing flannel as well. My sister Pollyanna is super creative and she spent six hours free drawing his birthday board. I love how it turned out. She even added a little bear and a moose on it. I'm lucky to have such an artistic person in my family. Hudson was so spoiled by all his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. Addie is also pretty happy for all of these new toys in the house and is teaching Hudson how to share. If only she learned this concept with her own toys. ;)
Brownies and ice cream were also served.
It was a great day and I probably sang Happy Birthday to Hudson a dozen times. I'm so thankful for his presence this past year. Happy Birthday son. We love you!

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