Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the Ferguson family. Since Christmas Eve was on a Sunday this year we didn't do our traditional night at the classic skating rink. Grandma Great really wanted to do a Christmas program with all the family and asked if I could reserve our church building for it so I did but in the end not enough people were interested in doing that. So instead of getting together like we always have on Christmas Eve we all met on Christmas Day in the evening for classic skating. This opened up our Christmas Eve night but took time away from our Christmas Day. It all worked out. We had already seen my family twice the week leading up to Christmas Eve so we were debating whether or not we should stay at home and start our own little tradition. For the sake of not having to cook anything though we decided to head to Dave and Donna's where Jill, Mike, Marie and Ty also were. It was a fun night. Right before we left Danny stuck a present underneath our tree which Addie was really surprised and excited about once we got back home. It was their Christmas pajamas. She gave no trouble that night when it came to bedtime because she was so excited to see if Santa would come and leave her anything for the morning.
Christmas Eve morning at church. Danny sang in the choir so we showed up early for his practice.
Both kids miraculously slept through the night! We were sure Hudson would wake up because he usually always does and we also thought that Addie would from pure excitement. But nope both kids slept until almost 8am. We actually had to go and wake up Addie ourselves. Danny on the other hand got up and wanted to wake both kids at 6am because he was so excited. I had to convince him to wait until at least 8am. We read about Christ's birth before opening up our stockings and presents Danny did really good this year with getting me a couple of surprises. I was impressed with him. We still do our gift categories (something you need, something to wear, something to read, something you want and a Santa gift). Addie's big gift this year was a toy house and Hudson's was a rocking horse. Both have been cute with their gifts.

As soon as we were done opening gifts Danny came down feeling really sick. We think he got what Hudson had and needed to lay down. We decided that I would have to go to Mapleton without him since Jaina would be calling and we planned on announcing our baby news to his family. I felt bad for Danny because he really wanted to come and join the family. We had breakfast there and then we did opened up our presents. Our gift to Dave and Donna were our updated family presents and a baby onesie that said 'best oops ever'. Everybody was pretty surprised. Except for Jill but that's because we accidentally slipped the news to her a few weeks before. I was more surprised that she was able to keep our secret haha. :) I Facetimed Danny right before Donna opened the present so that he was able to participate in this moment. Jaina called a few minutes after and Donna was pretty excited to tell Jaina about the baby. Jaina of course cried happy tears as she has done for every one of our pregnancies.
I packed up the kids after we were done talking with her and headed back home so that Hudson could get in a nap before we needed to be at the skating rink. Danny was feeling better at this point so he was able to come with us. It was really good to see Grandma Great and tell her our news as well. She's always been such a great believer and supporter of our little family. She was very happy for us. I have found that the more people we let know the easier it is for us to get excited for this huge change in our life.

We spent quite a bit of time at Classic Skating before heading back home to let the kids play with their toys before calling it a night. Both kids were exhausted by the time it was time to sleep which made it really nice for Danny and I. I would definitely say it was a really nice Christmas season.

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