Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Five months old yesterday and saying "mama" today! I'm three for three on having kids say "mama" before "dada". :)
Don't mind his squeals. He does that when he's really happy.

Christmas Miracle

Christmas has come and gone and it was such a great day. We had so much fun with the kids as they opened their gifts from us and from Santa. It was really nice having it just be our nice little family without having to rush anywhere until noon. We knew it was going to be a busy day because Jon was calling home from his mission around noon and then we had presents opening with Danny's family as well as the traditional Classic Skating tradition with all of the Fergusons' in the evening.

We have continued our tradition of buying gifts that fit into the following categories:

Something they want
Something they need
Something to wear
Something to read
Santa Gift

We have done this since our first Christmas as parents and it has been so nice to not have to worry about numbers or fairness because this simplifies gift giving for us and takes that stress away. Not only do we use this as a guide for each child but we also do it for Danny and myself. 
After our morning at home we headed to Mapleton and were able to talk to Jon. He had already started his video call when we walked in and he looked as happy as ever. He's doing great as a missionary. Before closing out his call he had us gather all of the grandchildren so that he could bare his testimony to everyone. It's really cool to see such spiritual growth in him. 
We opened up presents and then decided to rush home so that we could squeeze in a nap for Hudson before continuing the Ferguson festivities at Classic Skating. Grandpa Great isn't doing great health wise and believes that this will be his last night on earth. He was too weak and wasn't able to leave his house so he wasn't there and his absence was sure felt. At one point Grandma Great showed up and asked that all of her children gather at her house for one last father's blessing. As much as we'd love for Grandpa Great to continue living we know that he's mentally, physically and spiritually ready to enter the next stage of God's plan. Christmas was yesterday and he did indeed live through the night.
There is also something else that I feel like I should document because I don't want to forget it. I don't know if it should be a post of its own but for now it will most likely just remain a little paragraph here. On December 23rd we were on our way to Mapleton for a Christmas party when we got a call from our bishop. He wanted to know if we were home and told us he was on his way over. We were pretty confused because we thought that was a weird way to extend a calling to us. However what he had for us was not a calling. He handed us an envelope and told us that a family in the ward reached out to him and wanted him to hand us their gift to us. We humbly thanked him and after telling him Merry Christmas we opened up the envelope in our kitchen. Inside was cash. Some amazing Christlike family who wished to remain anonymous had thought of us. Danny and I have been in our ward for a little over five months now and we still can't say that we know a lot of members that well. We do know a few but we have absolutely no idea who this generous person could be. I am thankful though that there are people out there willing to follow promptings and provide such a service for others. Danny and I would love to pay it forward by doing something similar to this when we are able in the future. I hope I never forget this kind act of love that was shown towards me and my family this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Three of Thirty Nine

My kids are three of thirty nine grandchildren on my side of the family. It would be so easy for them to get lost in the numbers but my parents have gone above and beyond to create memories with and for them. They have set days and times aside to focus on quality time for each individual grandchild and I hope they know how much I love and appreciate it.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Cleveland Browns Bucket List Game

I'm feeling a little bummed that we recently missed an incredible opportunity. I want to say it's a once in a lifetime opportunity because I don't know if we'll get another chance like this. Danny and I have always talked about going to a Cleveland Browns game and during our five years of marriage they have never come out this way. Mike and Jill have connections with tickets to watch the Denver Broncos football team so when they heard that Cleveland was going to be playing in Denver they told us we could have the tickets to that game. I was beyond excited! Everything about this game seemed to be perfect. We were offered free tickets, free place to stay (Mike's aunt), free babysitting (Jill and Jaina), and the game was on a Saturday! What are the odds of a Saturday NFL game? It was just too good to pass up. All we had to do was get to Colorado, which I love road trips so to me that was an added bonus. However, we had to decline the offer in the end. We thought that Danny would be done with his finals before the game.We believed his last final would be on Friday and then we would get on the road as soon as he was back home. However just days before we realized that his last final was actually taking place on Monday (today). Two days after the game. I was so sad. I really wanted to go but I knew Danny needed the time to study. This game with all the conditions was just too perfect. Danny says that we'll go next time Cleveland comes to Denver but like I said previously this was their first time in our marriage that they have come to Denver so who knows when the next time will be. And when they do come back who's to say that it will be another Saturday game? Jill has assured me that they will give us the tickets when they come back again in the future and I just hope I don't have to wait another five years before they do.
The good thing though that makes me feel a little bit better is that Danny used the time to study and got 100% on his final today. So I guess staying home was worth it. Maybe. :) 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

That Time of Year Again

It's that time of year again. Every year Danny and I go through the same Christmas debates. I love the man but we could not be any more different than we are during this wonderful season.

I like fake trees. He likes real trees. I like matching ornaments. He likes sentimental no specific themed ornaments. I like solid white lights. He likes colorful lights. I like some presents under the tree throughout the month. He likes it to all appear Christmas morning. I like the Grinch. He likes Elf. I like the stockings moved to the couch Christmas morning. He likes them still hung on the fireplace. We even have differing opinions on wrapping paper.

Good thing we both like egg nog. :) 

Moving Up

Well we moved again. It wasn't something we knew we were going to do but when the opportunity opened up we knew we wanted to make the jump. The person who lived on the top floor suddenly moved out and it only took one look at the place for us to want it. Truthfully we weren't happy downstairs. We always said that we liked it just enough. Was it enough for us to stay the five years that Danny would be in school? Probably not. I will say though that I really loved having four bedrooms. Each kid had their own rooms and it was awesome. All of their toys fit in their own personal space and it was the highlight of the place. I am glad we lived there but I'm really excited for this next stage in our renting phase of life. This is a place that we can picture raising our three children in for the next five years at least. I couldn't picture Addie as a nine year old in our space downstairs. I don't know how to explain it but the space just wasn't there. The only downgrade of being upstairs is that we do lose our fourth bedroom. The bedrooms are also much smaller so we also lose the space for all their toys. Right now we're still trying to figure out where to put their toys but for right now we're making it work. I also have to say that I LOVE our new kitchen. It's such an upgrade from any of our previous places. As much as I love our kitchen (which I really do) I have to add that the windows and high ceilings have to be my favorite. In every place that Danny and I have lived we have not had a lot of light. Which is normal with basement apartments but it was starting to take a toll on me mentally. Our new place has such huge windows and it brings in so much light. I'm not sure how hot our summers will be from the exposure but I'm willing to handle it for the gorgeous view I now get to live with.
Our new kitchen
I love this view
I love this view more.
 Some pictures of our old place. I miss these spacious bedrooms.
(I don't miss how dark these rooms were though).
Addie's old bedroom.
Hudson's old bedroom.
Grant's old bedroom. He never actually slept a night in here though.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Second Birthday Letter To Huddy D

Dear Hudson,

Happy birthday buddy! You are the sweetest little boy I know and I love being your mom. You are always giving hugs and kisses and they are the best! You used to be a complete mama's boy and I kind of miss it. If I was out running errands by myself and I called home your dad would have to take me off speaker phone because if you even heard my voice you would get very sad until I returned to you. I love the way you make me feel as your parent. Lately you've made the switch from mama's boy to a full blown daddy's boy but it's okay because I'll win you back. :) 

You are a super cuddly boy which I love and your favorite thing in the world is to be held while being read a book. You LOVE books! Especially dinosaur books. Whenever you leave the room and are gone for awhile it is always because you have gone to read some books by yourself. You're hardly ever getting into trouble. You do however love to run which means that we always have to make sure your hand is being held or you'll take off. Your run receives comments from every single person who sees it. It's hard to explain but you run on your tippy toes and it's the cutest funniest thing ever. You prefer running over walking so we get to enjoy it a lot. 

This year you became a big brother. I was a little worried how you would handle it because you were still my little baby. You've done pretty good so far. You don't really have much of an opinion about having a little brother at this point. You're not over the top obsessed with him like Addie is but you also don't dislike him either. You kind of acknowledge him when you want to and ignore him for the most part. I can't wait though to watch your relationship with him strengthen as you both grow older. Hudson I love you with all my heart and I'm so glad I get to be on the other end of your sweet smiles every day. Happy golden birthday Huddy buddy.


Hudson's Golden Birthday!

Hudson is two years old! This was also his golden birthday! He won't remember it but it was still worth celebrating it.

All About Hudson Year Two

Favorite Foods - Tacos, Rice, Pizza, Tomatoes, All Fruit, Veggies
Favorite Shows - PJ Masks and Paw Patrol
Favorite Movies - The Incredibles, Room On The Broom
Favorite Book - How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night, Room On The Broom
Favorite Songs - Popcorn Popping, Wheels On The Bus, Baby Shark
Favorite Toy - His PJ Masks figurines, Cars, Snuggle Rubble
He Can - Jump, Count to Twenty, Run with a Skip :)
He Weighs - 28 lbs (69%)
He Stands - 36 in (88%)
Nicknames - Huddy, Huds, Bud, Huddy Buddy
Loves - Cars, Dinosaurs, Books, Rubble from Paw Patrol
Dislikes - Skipping his naps.
Favorite Game - Racing Addie
Link to All About Hudson Year One

Since this was his golden birthday I wanted to do a golden safari theme but things got a little crazy around here and I wasn't able to get around to the decor. We did get him a birthday shirt though with TWO WILD written in gold letters. Boy I love this boy. He's the funniest little kid and he thrives on making people laugh. If he knows he can do something to make you laugh then he won't stop doing it because he loves the reactions. I love it and I love him. 
Birthday boy
The reason things got a little crazy around here is because we officially made a big change the night before his birthday and decided to move once again. This time it was just to the upstairs part of this house and we got to spend his birthday morning in our new place. We headed to church and then after hurried home so he could take a good nap before his birthday fun. My parents came to our house as soon as Hudson woke up and we were able to do presents. Hudson is very simple. He loves anything book, balls, dinosaurs and cars related. Which was exactly what he got. My parents got him a lot of new books which he wanted Grandma Rueckert to read to him before we could get to the rest of the presents. From us he got a new cars and a car racetrack. Danny was especially excited for the racetrack and probably bought the present more for himself then for Hudson but they both loved it.

Enjoying our new view and the fresh snow.
Heading to church

My parents had to leave after we did presents and then we cleaned up a little bit before Danny's family got there for a little party with presents, brownies and ice cream. It was overall a great day and Hudson loved all the attention he got.