Tuesday, October 27, 2020

2020 Family Halloween Theme

This year's family costume brought to you by Pokemon! 

In last year's post I wrote "It's no surprise that I am a planner. Do I have next year's theme figured out? You bet I do. It's one that the whole family is looking forward to. Even Danny. If you have even a five minute conversation with either Addie or Hudson you'd see that next year's theme is a no brainer. But before I get too much into that let's get back into the present." The obsession with Pokemon was really strong last year and it didn't slow down for this year either so it was pretty cute to see all of them run and play in their costumes.

What I did not plan for though was to be pregnant so my original costume did not fit. I was supposed to be Misty and of course I bought everything for it months ago. I had everyone's costumes purchased by the end of February and when I found out I was pregnant in July I still had hope that my costume would fit. I soon realized with this pregnancy that it would not. I tried sizing up a couple of times but it just didn't come together right so I did the best next thing. I got a costume of the biggest roundest Pokemon I know of - Snorlax. It's the first time in six years that I actually bought a Halloween costume during the season of Halloween haha. Changing my costume was the best decision though because that costume was so comfy! And these days comfort is a must with how big I'm already feeling. 

I do know what we're being next year but I think I might actually hold off a few months before buying them. Crazy right? :)

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