Sunday, October 11, 2020

October Outing - Fishing At Salem Pond

Rand called us and asked if we would like to join him and Jayden fishing. Of course we said yes. Danny used to love fishing and that's something we haven't done in a very long time. I don't think the kids have ever gone fishing. We were trying to remember the last time we actually went and it might have been when I was pregnant with Addie. Ironically that time was also with Rand. We were excited to get out of the house and enjoy doing something new with the kids. The kids also really liked it but mostly because Salem Pond happened to be located right next to a playground so their mind was a little distracted with the play equipment but it still turned into a great evening. Their favorite part of the outing might be different than our favorite part of the evening but every single one of us had a great time. I believe Addie caught the first fish and Hudson was intrigued by the whole process but did not like touching the fish. He didn't really say that he didn't like it with words but his hesitation and the look on his face said it all. By the end of our outing we probably caught around twenty fish and that isn't an exaggeration. There was constantly a fish on the hook and we let them all go back into the water. It might have been a different story for the kids if they had seen a fish get gutted. They all liked watching the fish swim away when being released. Today was a plus for our family and much needed. Hopefully we can do this again and that it doesn't take us six more years to do it.



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