Wednesday, December 23, 2020

26 Weeks

I got to see the girls again today with the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor because of a cancellation and everything is still looking great. They were able to get all the measurements they needed and there is still zero evidence of twin to twin transfusion. They are both looking healthy and I even got to find out their current weights today. Twin A is 1 lb 13 ounces and Twin B is 1 lb 15 ounces. When we first started the ultrasound we could see that both girls were transverse and were laying facing each other. It was really cute. By the end of the appointment Baby B had completely flipped and her head ended up next to Baby A's feet which is just as cute but I really loved that brief moment that they were both head to head facing each other. I was very happy to hear how healthy they are both doing and that my cervix isn't short at all so there's no need for bedrest at this time but deep down I was also a little discouraged to hear that Baby A was no longer head down and that now she was transversed. I know there's time for her to reposition herself to the head down position once again but I was a little sad to see that she was sideways. It makes sense why these days I've been having more trouble breathing (especially at night) since both girls are basically laying across my ribs. As hopeful as I am to deliver both of these girls vaginally I think I need to really mentally prepare myself for a c section. Of course I want to deliver these girls in the best way possible and if that means a c section then so be it. I'm terrified of it since I've never had one before but maybe I should mentally plan on that so that if it somehow doesn't happen I can count it as a happy surprise. It's crazy that these girls can be here in as little as ten weeks. We better get their nursery done soon. :)

Baby B (left) facing Baby A (right)
Baby A's profile
Baby A's feet
Baby B's feet
Baby B holding her own foot by her head

Baby B's profile
Baby B was definitely a wiggler at today's appointment so I wasn't able to get a good shot of her face in 4D but I did get these of Baby A.

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