Thursday, December 10, 2020

Social Distanced Santa

Social distanced Santa for the win! The boys have NEVER been brave enough to talk to Santa or sometimes even look at him but this year they were both okay because for the first time there was substantial distance between them. I honestly didn't even think we would see Santa this year only because I didn't make any plans to and it wasn't super high on my priority list; but with that said I'm really glad it happened, even if I was a little grumpy earlier this morning when thinking about hauling all three kids by myself out into the cold when it's getting pretty hard to walk these days. I knew Danny would be having another late night at school so I wasn't planning on him joining us. This night all happened because of Jill's video call three nights ago. She called me and asked if I wanted to take the kids to see Santa this week and of course it happened to be when I was surrounded by all three who definitely heard her and all jumped on board real quick. They really wanted to see Santa real bad and I was in a position where I felt like I couldn't say no because I was literally inches away from my kids whose eyes were all on me and there was Jill waiting for my reply with Georgia by her side. My aching body self wanted to say no and that I wasn't up to it this year but of course I said yes. It turned out to be fun for all of us though.

Jill is usually the first one to arrive at all planned outings. She's super prompt and has been the whole time I've known her so it was a little surprising when for once I beat her there. Not only did I beat her there but I was there for over twenty minutes before they got there. It was great though because the kids were able to run around as we waited and we were right next to Santa so they were also able to watch him from a distance before we joined the line. Which by the way there was no line. It was amazing. We got there early enough that the crowds hadn't arrived yet and there wasn't a rushed feeling at all. I found out that the reason Jill was a little late was because she got out of work later than she wanted to and she still had to drive all the way to Spanish Fork to pick up Jayden. I didn't know Jayden would be joining but my kids LOVE Rand and Ashley's kids so they were really excited to see Jayden with Jill. Not only did Jill invite Jayden but she also invited Marie, Jon and Jon's girlfriend Halle. Those three got there when we were already done with Santa but we all got to hang out after and have a nice night. As soon as Jill got to us with Jayden, Georgia and Max we walked right up to Santa and all the kids got to talk to him. Addie asked for a Hatchimal Surprise Egg, Grant asked for something but none of us could make out what it was he actually said and Hudson asked for a super rocket spaceship toy which was news to me. Good thing we saw Santa with still two weeks left to go until Christmas so that we can make his Santa wish happen. The kids were all pretty cute with him and there were no tears and no forced Santa laps. 

Waiting for Jill

Getting a treat after Santa

It was after we talked with Santa that Marie showed up with Jon and Halle. Everyone was in the mood for pizza so that's when I called Danny to see if he'd want to join us all or if he'd rather I come home with the kids so we can eat a meal at home as a family. Once I mentioned pizza he decided he was in the mood for that too and got in the car and shortly after joined us. The kids were pretty happy to see that he ended up being with us afterall because they know how busy he has been this week with school and stress. His oral examination is tomorrow so we of course want him to feel confident and relaxed as possible before his big thing tomorrow morning. We didn't stay super late because we wanted the kids in bed at a good hour but overall it was a really good night and it turned out to be a good distraction for Danny which he needed. When it was done I took the kids back to our neighborhood where we drove around for a short time looking at the neighborhood Christmas lights and Danny headed to the temple for a quick stop so he could do some reflecting and get alone time. No matter how it goes tomorrow for him I want him to know how super proud I am of him and the work that he has put into his education and time earning his degree. Of course I hope all goes well and I have no doubt that it will. If Santa had asked me what I had wanted that's what I would have said. :)

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