Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

Despite everything the year 2020 has thrown at people this Christmas was amazing and still ended up better than last year. Addie had been so nervous that this year would be a repeat of last year where most of the family ended up with the flu. Luckily we were all healthy and she couldn't have been happier about that.

Last night as we were bathing the kids Danny snuck out for a second and placed the Christmas pajamas underneath the Christmas tree. He came back to the bathroom to help me finish up with the kids and Addie was the first one out of the tub. Wrapped tightly in her towel she headed to the other room while we got the boys out and then very excitedly ran back to us. She had seen the wrapped presents and was so ecstatic that they had magically shown up. For about three years now every year on Christmas Eve we have had their Christmas jammies magically show up and she now looks forward to it each year. The first year they showed up while everyone was distracted watching a movie. She eventually turned around and then made us all gook because she was in such shock at how they could have appeared when we were all together watching a Christmas movie. She has no idea that Danny snuck them there while the movie was playing and then sat right back down on the couch. She had no idea he had even left. The following year I believe is when we left the house to go drive around and look at Christmas lights and while the kids were being buckled in the car Danny ran back in to 'grab something' but really he was positioning the gifts for Addie to find under the tree when we got back. It's awesome because it's so magical to her and that makes it fun for us as her parents. I'm not sure if the surprise factor started four years ago or if this is the third year but I hope we have many more years of her sweet childlike wonder when those Christmas pjs show up.

The kids were all so excited to leave out cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve night and I don't think they've ever all been this eager at the same time to head to bed. Before that though Addie did add a special touch with a letter for Santa to read.

"Dear Santa,

Thank you Santa for the pajamas and for the toys. I hope your traveling was safe and smooth. We left a cookie out and some milk for you to enjoy. There is also a snack for your reindeer. I hope you enjoy them. We love you and hope you have a very merry Christmas.


Ferguson Family

After the kids were in bed Danny and I grabbed all the presents and placed them underneath the tree for them to find in the morning. Sometime between three and four in the middle of the night we woke up to little footsteps coming into our room. It was Addie. She had her stuffed animals that she sleeps with at night but we were prepared for this and had a little bed set up for her on our couch in our room. Luckily she went straight back to sleep and slept until morning.

Just like it happens every single year so far Danny is always the first one up excited to go. I try to stay in bed for as long as the kids will sleep but he's always so eager to wake them up and get the presents started. It's pretty cute. We waited for Addie to wake up and then waited a little bit longer before getting the boys out of their beds around 7:50am. 

Before opening up presents we always start by reading chapter two in the book of Luke. This year the kids are all really into Superheros, Sonic and Pokemon. Addie is really into Hatchimals and has been since her before her birthday. Santa granted all of their wishes and we had some pretty happy kids.

Addie's face here is adorable!
The after Christmas explosion always stresses me out until it's clean again.

Around 10am we headed to Mapleton to open some gifts from Danny's family. Marie and Ty officially announced that they are expecting a baby. Everyone in the family already knew except for Dave and Donna but we were all excited to see their reaction for this news. The family played some games and ate some food and then we headed back to our house where the kids were able to play the rest of the day with their new stuff. The only thing that would have made this day even better would have been some snow so the kids could utilize their new snow gear and take their new sleds out for a spin.

We celebrated Christmas with my parents last week. Because of Covid my parents actually spread out the visits from family members and did most of the traveling to everyone's houses. It was nice to have it be more intimate and more one on one for the kids with their grandparents.

This year there weren't any huge extended family gatherings on either of our sides. It was a little sad not seeing mine or Danny's cousins but it's also been nice to relax at home during this pregnancy. My parents and siblings also didn't gather as a group this year and instead did our Christmas party via zoom. It's not the same but it still turned out well. All in all I think this Christmas season turned out pretty great.

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