Thursday, December 3, 2020

Hudson is Four!

All About Hudson Year FOUR

Favorite Foods - Pineapples, Tacos, Spaghetti, Taco Pasta, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers
Favorite Shows - Paw Patrol, and Ninja Turtles
Favorite Movies - Superhero Movies
Favorite Book - Any book about dinosaurs or bugs
Favorite Songs - He made one up about crocodiles and monkeys and sings it all the time (I'll add the video below)
Favorite Toy - Construction Vehicles, Superhero toys and Monster Trucks
He Can - Count to 18, put his own shoes on, wipe away any tears, show love
He Weighs - 33 lbs
He Stands - 40 in
Nicknames - Hudson Boy, Huddy Buddy, Huds, Handsome Hudson
Loves - Superheros, Hugs, Dinosaurs, Cars, Books, Monster Trucks, Paw Patrol, Otter Pops and Teal (the color)
Dislikes - Kisses (he only likes hugs), When others are sad.
Favorite Game - Racing anyone to any room.
* Links to all other "All About Hudson" posts at the bottom.

This year for Hudson's birthday we decided to not have a scheduled big family gathering. There's a lot of sickness going around and with Danny's oral examination coming up plus my high risk pregnancy status we really can't risk catching the virus right now. A couple days ago Danny sent out this message:

"Hello family. Hudson's birthday is this Wednesday. He will be four. Just letting you know we will not do a scheduled group gathering this time around. But if you still want to get Hudson a present, I know he would love that. Or even send him a video from yourself (or from Jacob - his little hero). You can even drop something off; we just don't want a big group over right now. If you wish to drop something off, let us know, and you can spend some time here and have him open his present from you. We know times are weird, and this is what we feel is best right now for our family."

Because of the pandemic everyone understood and we were still able to make Hudson feel very special and loved on his day. He actually ended up really loving it this way because in his eyes instead of having one big party he had a week long birthday celebration from visitors being spread out. We have a tradition made just for Hudson that on his birthday morning he gets to wake up to birthday presents placed underneath the Christmas tree. He thinks it's so cool to wake up to them that way. He's really loving Paw Patrol lately so I found Paw Patrol wrapping paper to use for his birthday presents. He also wasn't expecting to see the kitchen decorated for him in Paw Patrol decor so he really thought that was awesome. I wasn't sure who we would be seeing that night but the decorations weren't really for a party and instead they were purely to help Hudson still feel like he was going to have a great birthday. 

Addie was really sweet and had been putting together her own gift bag to give to Hudson for his birthday. She had been working on this little surprise for almost a month now so she was really excited for Hudson to finally open the box of surprises from her. She had saved her own little toys to gift him and also included drawings she made just for him. It was really sweet how into his birthday she got this year. 

We started the morning opening his gifts before Danny had to head to school. Addie is doing remote learning at home until the beginning of January so it was great to have Hudson completely entertained with his new toys while I helped Addie with her kindergarten work. Hudson was surprised midday by a video message from his cousin Jacob. For some reason Hudson is obsessed with Jacob and he's constantly talking about him. Jacob is Hudson's best friend and huge role model. The funny thing is that Jacob probably doesn't even realize how much Hudson adores him. Hudson watched Jacob's video to him at least fifteen times today and each time with the biggest grin on his face.

That night Hudson was first visited by his Uncle Jon and Jon's girlfriend Halle. They stayed for just a short time before they had to head out to their next thing but Hudson loved seeing them. After they left Grandpa and Grandma Ferguson (Dave and Donna) showed up and stayed for cake and ice cream. Hudson requested banana cake this year for his dessert so Danny made a cake from scratch. My parents also showed up and joined us for cake and ice cream and Hudson was able to be sung to surrounded by his little family and both sets of grandparents. It was a good night.

The next night Hudson got a visit from his favorite family. Jacob's family. He was so happy to see Rand and Ashley show up with their kids but was mostly happy that Jacob was here. He got some new monster trucks from them and I'm sure he'll be busy all day tomorrow playing with them. We've heard from Jaina, Marie and Jill who all say they will be by to visit him soon and he seriously cannot wait. He's pretty excited. Happy Birthday Hudson Boy! We all are glad to have you in our family.

Link to All About Hudson Year One
Link to All About Hudson Year Two
Link to All About Hudson Year Three

Hudson's song he made up that was mentioned in his All About Hudson Year Four
Age 3 and a half here.

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