Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas '21

Merry Christmas!!

It was almost 8am when we started this morning which was great because we got some good rest last night. The babies started with their bottles while Dad read some scripture and then we got into the presents. 
It was a really good morning just being together. The girls went down for a nap around 10am and then we headed to Mapleton after lunch and stayed there until late tonight. While we played a new Christmas game that Marie introduced us to Quinn fell asleep on my lap. She was so tired. It's been so long since either of the babies have fallen asleep in our arms so I soaked it all up. I sat there on the ground so still until she woke up. Danny dressed up as Santa at my request since the girls never did get to see Santa this year. The babies definitely would have been screaming if they had to sit on a stranger's lap so this worked out well. 

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