Friday, December 3, 2021

Hudson's Fifth Birthday

Hudson is the big FIVE! ✋He's as sweet as they come and I'm so lucky he's in our family. He's caring and goofy and can make any one of us laugh. He loves being a brother and with him being the middle child for a little bit there he's often pulled in two different directions by his sister who wants him to join her games and by his little brother who is always by his side. Basically he's the one everyone wants to play with around here. He's obsessed with all Marvel superheroes but his favorite is hands down Falcon and he's also become equally obsessed with Pokemon. We all love this kid and we're happy to spend all weekend celebrating him. 

All About Hudson Year Five

Favorite Foods - Tator Tot Casserole, Soup, Tacos, Spaghetti, Hamburgers
Favorite Shows - Pokemon
Favorite Movies - Superhero Movies
Favorite Book - Key Hunters and any book about Marvel Superheroes, Key Hunters
Favorite Songs - Ghostbusters Song, Blinding Lights, Heat Waves
Favorite Toy - Superhero toys
He Can - Make anyone laugh, spell and write his own name.
Favorite Color -Yellow
Nicknames - Hudson Boy, Huds
Loves - Superheros, Hugs, Dinosaurs, Cars, Books, Monster Trucks, Paw Patrol, Otter Pops
Dislikes - Shots, Getting his ears wet
Favorite Game - Puzzles
* Links to all other "All About Hudson" posts at the bottom.

He woke up on his birthday with his presents underneath the Christmas tree. We do this special for him every year. He was able to open his presents before Addie and dad left for school. He had asked for a bike and Grandma Donna wanted to buy that so we sent her a link to the dinosaur one that Hudson had chosen. We got him a helmet to go with it. Hudson is very easy to please but also hard to shop for because he says he doesn't need anything. He said a bike was good enough and we kept trying to get other ideas from him. We felt bad because the bike wasn't technically from us so we tried to get him to think of other ideas. He eventually asked for a binder and Pokemon cards so we got him that. Marie and Jill are going to take him birthday shopping next week and have promised to pay extra attention to what he gets excited about because we have zero ideas for this coming Christmas with him.

Last night as a four year old.
First morning as a five year old!

Since it was Thursday Hudson had double preschool. He goes to a neighborhood one with Grant and then he has BYU preschool. He was excited to go to both. That evening my parents came up with some gifts for Hudson and they brought along Kaleb at Hudson's request. They stayed for some banana cream cake which Hudson loves.

My dad introduced ice cream for the first time to the babies. They loved it.

Hudson had his second party tonight with Danny's side of the family. I was too in the moment We had the same kind of cake again with no complaints from him. Felix also broke out of his box this morning and made his first official appearance on top of our Christmas tree. Hudson thinks it's cool that they share a birthday and all three kids were excited to show their cousins that we have an elf now. It's been a good weekend and I love that Hudson was able to feel so loved and celebrated.

Hudson had to find some escape from the babies for a minute haha.
Happy Birthday Hudson Boy!

Link to All About Hudson Year One
Link to All About Hudson Year Two
Link to All About Hudson Year Three
Link to All About Hudson Year Four

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