Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Weekend


I woke up this morning to Addie, Hudson and Grant climbing into my bed. They were all so excited to start the day. Before searching for the easter baskets Addie had some little gifts to hand out to all four of her siblings. She loves holidays more than anyone I know which is saying something because I super love holidays. 

The kids had asked that the hiding spots be super hard so Danny and I tried our best. However, Hudson found his within thirty seconds. It was the first and only place he looked. Luckily he didn't care. He was so excited to look through his basket. Addie and Grant couldn't find theirs and finally asked us for help. The clue given to Grant was "it's in the room you sleep in" and the clue given to Addie was "poop". Of course that's the clue they would get from their daddy haha. I would have said something way more pleasant. 😄The kids were surprised one was in their room all night. I had snuck that one in before I went to bed last night.

After easter baskets and breakfast the kids quickly got dressed for the first day of swim lessons. That will be a separate post but they all did so well. They're signed up for swim every Saturday for the next five weeks. As we left the rec center Addie shouted how this was the best day ever. It was only 11am at that point. I decided to treat everyone and we got lunch on the way home. Danny was pretty happy because the food was from his favorite hamburger place. He had been home with the twins so they could nap. Quinn also has pink eye and couldn't leave home anyway.

After lunch we went outside for the easter egg hunt. It was such a beautiful day that we spent the rest of the day enjoying outside. Danny had to go to the store to buy food for our easter dinner and I brought the twins back inside, but the other three played outside until dinnertime. When dinner ended they went right back outside until it was dark. I love it when they play so well together. Watching them have fun together will always be my favorite.











Today for actual Easter Sunday I took the older three to church while Danny stayed with the girls at home. Quinn is very contagious still and can't go right now. I couldn't miss it because it was Sunday School week or Danny and I probably would have switched places so that he could go.




Right after church Addie led us in a scavenger hunt that she had been planning all week. It was really cute. She had clues on the stairs, in Quinn's crib, in the junk drawer and seven other places. She had ten clues total with a little toy prize for each one we found. We then dyed eggs while the girls tried to nap. The kids had so much fun coloring eggs. Addie, Hudson and Grant did seven each and then Danny and I did what was left.


We all went outside to once again take advantage of the weather. It's supposed to rain this week so we're definitely soaking up the sun this weekend. The three were invited to play with our back yard neighbors so they headed there until dinner was ready. Danny and I stayed outside with Rylee and Quinn. They love being outside and probably wish we did this more often.



Our plan was to go have dinner with my side of the family this year but because of pink eye we needed to stay home and figure out our own plan for easter dinner. It turned out delicious. Danny had picked up a roast from the store yesterday and he smoked that along with baked asparagus while I made mashed potatoes and gravy. After dinner was cleaned up everyone went outside again to fly kites. We told the kids it wouldn't work tonight due to no wind but they insisted. Turned out we actually did manage to get one kite in the air - Hudson's. He was so excited and Grant was just as happy that at least one worked.



We ended the day with ice cream even though the kids already ate so much easter candy the last two days. When the kids were getting ready for bed Addie told me "I love these days but they always end". I told her I was glad she had so much fun and then she asked "can we celebrate easter every Sunday?" I said yes and that we do by going to church every week. She rolled her eyes 😂. I'm so thankful that I get to keep my family forever. Even though our initial plans changed a little it still ended being great, maybe even better.

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