Monday, April 18, 2022

Pink Eye and Ear Infections :(

We had been outside playing in the yard when Hudson started complaining of his eye bugging him. We assumed he had gotten dirt in it from playing in the garden but in the middle of the night we were woken up to Hudson screaming from his bed that he couldn't open his eye. Pink eye. Dang it. We helped wiped his eye so that he could open it. While we were in their room trying to help him Grant had woken up and started complaining of his ears hurting. We told him to go back to sleep and that he'd be okay. I was still half asleep during all this and didn't think much about his ear comment until later. Hudson and Grant went back to sleep but by morning time Hudson's eye was glued shut again. When the girls woke up for the day I could see that we had another pink eye victim, Rylee. I made an appointment to get both of them seen so they could get on antibiotics for their eyes. While at the appointment the doctor said she wanted to check Hudson's ears and said that often times kids who have pink eye also get ear infections. That's when I remembered Grant's comment from the middle of the night. I mentioned it to the doctor and she decided to check his ears as well. Turns out Grant has a full blown ear infection. Hudson and Rylee both have ear infections as well on top of their pink eye. Luckily their ear infections weren't as bad as Grant's. Poor kids. Quinn had also been acting fussy so we suspected an ear infection with her. She was checked and her ears looked fine. She just has a cold. She sure looked cute on the doctor's table though.

The only way Rylee will take medicine.

This all started on the 7th with those three. Three days later on the 10th I got hit with some intense ear pain. I thought I could muster through it however by the evening I knew I had to get it checked out. I went to urgent care knowing I had an ear infection. It's crazy because I have never had one before as an adult. I'm sure as a kid I had but I have no memory of that. I will never think an ear infection is no big deal ever again. It's a big deal. By the time I got there I could barely hear out of one ear and it hurt so bad. After spending hours at urgent care it turns out I learned that there is no medication for adults as far as prescribed pain management. You just have to power through it with suggested extra vitamins. Crazy. I could barely drive for school pick up and drop off and probably should have stayed off the road. Luckily it only lasted a few days before I was feeling like myself again. Moms shouldn't get sick but especially when said mom is already taking care of three sick kids who are also experiencing their own ear pain.

A week passed with those three all being on antibiotics and Addie luckily was able to avoid getting sick at all. She never caught pink eye and her ears stayed fine. Grant also got lucky with avoiding pink eye as well as Danny and I. Quinn however got pink eye at the end of the week on the 15th when we thought everyone was getting better and we could leave the house again. Not the case. Quinn did avoid an ear infection though so that was good. 

Today is the 18h with Quinn starting to feel better and look more like herself. It's only been ten days but it feels like it's been a month.

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