Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Texas Bound!

It looks like the Fergusons are headed to Texas! Danny had an interview today with Texas State University and was offered the job on the spot. He gave me a call right after and I didn't pick up because I had taken the four kids to a friend's house until it was time to pick up Addie from theater. I was so surprised when we finally talked and he was able to share the news with me. This is such a stress reliever! Moving on the other hand will be a stress producer for sure, but for right now we are happy. Danny has had so many different interviews so far and just in the last five days he's had three - Minnesota, New Hampshire and Texas. Out of those three I was rooting for Texas so this feels awesome. It also feels completely terrifying. I'm nervous and I'm trying to figure out all the logistics of moving but also feel good about this huge life change. We are heading towards a huge adventure. Texas - we'll be seeing you in just a few short months.

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