Friday, December 9, 2022

One Of Those Days . . .

Today was one of those days.

The girls discovered that they love markers and making art on themselves. It was lovely. 👎

After bathing them I then turned to get Grant ready for preschool and in that short time frame they got into the markers for a second time. This time I only had myself to blame but never in a million years did I think they would do it for a second time. Out of all five kids they are the first and only ones to get into markers like this, and now the reason we may not have any for awhile. This is definitely new territory for me.
After dropping Grant off at school I got the girls ready for their second bath of the day. They were so giddy and excited. If a bath was all they wanted we could have skipped the playing with markers part. I looked on the bright side and thought well this will at least help them settle in nicely for their afternoon nap before school pickup.
The girls decided they had other plans and a nap was not part of it. They played and played in there and after two full hours of walking in there over and over to get them to lay down it just wasn't happening. Rylee even discovered she could take her shirt off which I learned from looking at the baby monitor. Nothing was going according to plan.
They could barely keep their eyes open at school pickup.

By the time dinner came around Quinn was really regretting her decision to not nap. She was so tired. It was completely adorable for our end though. This day seemed to drag on and on and yet one day I might miss all of this.

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