Friday, December 2, 2022

Sixth Birthday Letter to Hudson Boy

Dear Hudson,

Happy birthday bud! I love you so dang much. I can't believe how grown up you are. You're still the biggest sweetheart and the greatest hugger. Your smile is enough to brighten anyone's day. I'm not just saying that. It's like your eyes even smile and it's the best. Our family is so lucky to have you in it. We wouldn't be the same without you. You provide laughs, comfort, peace and just plain goodness. I love you so much and I"m loving all your growth this past year. You're learning how to read and it's so cute. You're always asking us how to spell things and I hope you keep going with this love for learning. Your teacher described you as one of her favorite kids and said you're such a hoot. She also said that there were a couple of times where she said something that you didn't super like and the sad look on your face nearly broke her heart. I know exactly what she's talking about because it breaks mine as well. You're seldom ever unhappy so when you are it's the saddest thing. But even when you're sad you're still trying to lift up others and that's not very common in little kids. It's one of the many amazing things about you. Every night you call us back in for one last hug and we always give it to you. Hudson I love you so much, I hope you have the best weekend ever.



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