Saturday, September 30, 2023

Ninth Birthday Letter to Miss Addie Rae

Dear Addie,

Happy birthday Boo. You are so loved by so many and I hope we really helped you feel that these last couple of weeks as we've celebrated you. I am so thankful for you and all that you bring to our family. We wouldn't be the same without you. I love how much effort you put into your education. I never have to ask you twice about homework because it's always the first thing you do when you get home. Your teachers are so impressed with you and your scores. There have been several times when your teachers have expressed gratitude for having a student like you in their classes. You work hard, while having fun and showing compassion towards others who might not be understanding the material being taught in class. I love hearing that about you. I don't have to worry about whether or not you are being kind to other kids and that brings me so much peace as a mom. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being caring, a hard worker and for trying to do the right. I love you Addie and I'm glad that we get to learn how to navigate being a mom and daughter together. As a first time parent to you I'm grateful you love me despite my mistakes. I hope you know that I love you even more. Let's continue to make this next year the best yet!

If you could just go to bed a tad earlier every night instead of reading way past even my own bedtime that would be great haha. This year Dad made a deal with you kids that he'll pay you a dollar for every chapter book you read and you definitely accepted that challenge! We might just have to get a third job to support all your reading adventures haha. I love you sweet girl. Always have and I always will.


Happy Birthday Addie!

All About Addie Year Nine

(According to Addie)

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Taco Pasta, Cajun Chicken, burritos, and Spaghetti and Meatballs
Favorite Shows: Dude Perfect
Favorite Songs: None
Favorite Movies: Spirit, Lion King
Favorite Toy: Kitty, Stuffed Tiger
Favorite Books: Harry Potter Series
She Can: Make bracelets, wants to learn Crochet
She Loves: Swimming, Reading, Crafts, Art, Ipad Time, Nintendo Switch, Friends and School
She Dislikes: Pickles, Soup, Butting Heads with Dad

* Link to all other 'All About Addie' below.

Addie has had a great birthday so far! We started off with birthday presents early this morning. She got a set of Judy Blume books from Oma and Opa and stuffed animals from Grandma Donna (a plush Pokemon Mew and a panda bear). She then got her birthday gift from us which was a hatchimals egg toy that she really wanted. She took a risk with this request because they cost $100 so she knew that it would be the only gift from us this year and since it's a surprise egg toy you don't even know if the one you bought is a duplicate of one you already have. Luckily for her it was a new Hatchimal so she was very pleased. I'm glad it worked out in her favor because that would have been a bummer. 

After gifts and breakfast we all got ready to go to Hudson's flag football game. After his game we jumped back into celebrating Addie mode haha. We had McDonald's as her birthday lunch. I might have tried to talk her into Ihop or Golden Coral but McDonald's was what she wanted of course. That's fine. Usually we try to do a birthday dinner but Danny had to work at his second job so this lunch was perfect. It was also kind of convenient because we didn't have a whole bunch of time before we had to be at Addie's soccer game. Her team has been incredible this season. Last year they barely won any and really struggled on the field. This year they seem like a whole new team and are currently undefeated halfway through the season. They have played four games so far and have won them all. They have four more games to go. Today they won their game 2-1. It was a really fun game to watch. This same team that they played today beat them last season with a 2-1 score. I was in charge of the team snacks so I happened to be there close to the team at the end of the game where they started singing to Addie 'Happy Birthday'. I'm glad I got it on video. I'm also glad she has such a good group of friends to play and grow with. 

I told Addie she can choose how we spend the rest of our day today and she chose swimming at the pool. She absolutely loves the pool. Danny had to leave for work so I took the five kids to the pool by myself. Thankfully I've had a lot of practice this summer and this isn't something that really stresses me out anymore. We had a lot of fun. We sent a message to our neighbor who is Addie's best friend and her family ended up coming and spending the time with us. It was a lot of fun.

Danny is at work now so we'll be doing her birthday cake tomorrow. That's actually not the reason we're doing it tomorrow though. I asked Addie what kind of cake she wanted and she really wants an Oreo ice-cream cake. I went to the store yesterday and they were sold out. They had some other ice-cream cake flavors but she really wants Oreo. We didn't have time to get one today with two of the kids having sports today and Danny working so we got her an Oreo McFlurry from McDonald's earlier to hold her over until we can get one tomorrow. It's already in my online pickup order cart and they show that they have one in stock for us so fingers crossed that tomorrow goes well. Addie is actually super okay with it because it's another day where we get to continue celebrating her birthday. Addie I love you and I hope you had the best birthday yet.

Past Birthday Links:

All About Addie Year Eight
All About Addie Year Seven
All About Addie Year Six
All About Addie Year Five
All About Addie Year Four
All About Addie Year Three
All About Addie Year Two
All About Addie Year One

Update: 10/01/2023

We got her ice-cream cake today and of course this is Texas so it melted on the way home haha. It looks so flat! Thankfully Addie was a really good sport about it and didn't care. She was grateful we got her the cake she wanted even if it did become more of a drink.

Update Part Two: I just saw this today but I guess Hudson had written Addie a birthday letter all on his own. He gave it to her last week when she was having her friend pool party. How sweet is that?
"Addie Hapy Brthday to you Addie. I thinc your guna have a great time shpending time with your frends."
On the back he drew her a picture of a heart. 💜

Monday, September 25, 2023


I'm so excited. A couple of friends and I are going to see Wicked in San Antonio this coming January. We just got the tickets today and maybe it's not journal worthy because it hasn't happened yet but I'm pretty excited about it. It will be my fourth time seeing it and my first time here in Texas with friends. It should be a really fun girls night. That's all. 😄

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Pool Friend Birthday Party

Addie had her first official friend birthday party and thankfully it turned out great. I was pretty nervous because we've never done this before but with help from Danny and the other parents it really was a success. Originally the plan was for Addie to choose five friends but that number quickly grew to seventeen! That included siblings of friends and did not include her own four siblings, so leading up to the day I was a bit overwhelmed. She ended up having thirteen friends there which was more manageable haha. It really did end up being a great time. I had gone to Target two days before and bought a whole bunch of swim toys in their clearance section. I ended up finding really good deals which was awesome because Target was my third store searching. Walmart and HEB Plus both had zero swim toys so I was nervous heading into Target because it kind of felt like a last chance scenario with our timing and schedules. Luckily they had so many diving toys and pool tubes it all worked out perfectly. I ordered donuts from HEB Plus because it's easier than cake and it ended up being pretty mess free. Quinn managed to get herself covered in chocolate but that was nothing that a dip in the pool couldn't fix. We did miss nap time and Rylee scheduled with that near the end but even though she was tired she still loved the pool. We really lucked out with our timing. Picking our neighborhood pool for the party location was a risky gamble because you never know if it's going to be empty or crowded, especially with it being a hot Saturday afternoon. It felt like the universe was smiling down on us because we were the only ones there when we arrived. It was awesome. All of our guests even asked if we had reserved the pool because they couldn't believe we had the entire place to ourselves. We just lucked out. We had the whole pool to ourselves for a solid hour before some people showed up but even then nobody cared and we were able to continue the fun that we were having. There is one thing that I wish I could go back and change. I never did get a group picture of Addie and all the kids that showed up to support her. That's a fail. I wish I had but at the same time I don't regret not really having my phone out because we did need to be extra attentive with all the kids that were there. Safety first right? I do wish I had one picture though. Oh well. Overall I'm really glad it's all done because it was stressful and so much work but it was also worth it. Happy early birthday Addie Rae.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Flag Football 🏈

It was a big day for Hudson Boy! He started his first team sport today. He's been asking to play football for months now. A part of me was hoping he would switch to soccer but only because that would help the juggling with different schedules a little easier but I'm so glad he stuck with his wishes because watching him in his first practice and game was like chocolate for my soul. It was super sweet. I loved every second of it. He was so cute. We signed him up for flag football in the i9Sports league because it's one day a week. Their games immediately follow after their practice. So today was his first time meeting his coach, team, getting his jersey shirt, flags, practice and then first game. It was a lot of fun. I'm so happy we were all able to be there. Addie's game was early this morning and didn't conflict with Hudson's schedule so he was able to have both parents and all four of his siblings on the sidelines cheering him on. On his first run ever with the ball he ran the wrong way. He was inches from scoring for the other team when he heard everyone telling him he was going the wrong way so he turned around just in time and then continued running down the entire field. His flag was pulled right before the touchdown zone. He was so proud of himself. We all were. I've watched the video of his first run at least twenty times and my favorite part was his smile at the end as he's getting a high five from his best friend. I'm also glad he has his friend on his team. After we had signed Hudson up I messaged Kaysen's mom and asked if her son would be interested in playing as well. He's one of Hudson's best friends and we were both excited when he also signed up to play. In the end their team (known as the Cougars) won 19-7. It's going to be a fun season. 🏈

Also Addie would like me to add that her team also won today 4-1. They are two games in and currently undefeated. 😁⚽

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Dobby Sneakpeek

 A little Halloween preview of sweet little Dobby the house elf. I can't get over how cute Rylee is in this costume. I'm saving this picture for forever. 💜

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Bed Hair

The most epic bed hair.

Times two.

Climber Update: Neither of the girls have climbed out of their cribs since that night that Quinn did it. So the crib life is continuing on for a little bit longer.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Fall Soccer

Round two of soccer, here we go!
The panthers did awesome in their first game of the season. They won the game 1-0.
It was to a team that beat them last season 3-0 so it was an awesome start and such a huge improvement from last season.

Also how cute is little Q in these pictures?