Thursday, January 4, 2024

2023 Goals Recap

I wanted to make 2023 a selfless year where I would make myself available to help anyone who asked me for help (as long as I was in a good headspace for it and I didn't jeopardize my own sanity haha). I can say that I'm happy with that. I watched so many kids this year and never asked for anything in return. Anytime the missionaries called asking for a meal we'd welcome them over. I have found that I really like saying yes. I was helping others and feeling good about my efforts in the process. I wanted to be a reliable friend and I think I did become that. I would love to continue being that person for others who need me. As for my personal goals there are some areas I rocked and others that were 'rocky'. Let's look back at my 2023 goals.

2023 GOALS

-       Study Come Follow Me Individually - I did great for the first six months. Then I started slacking after summer break because I did my studying in the pickup line for school. Once school started I picked it back up. I could do a lot better in this area though.
-    Read The Book of Mormon I finished it!
-       Have weekly gospel discussions with the kids throughout the week I fell short in this area.


-       Say yes to others reaching out for help 100%
-       Have a personal girl's night out monthly If book clubs count then I did this haha.


-       Read 15 books this year I read 60!
-       Practice Portuguese and relearn the language - I practiced Portuguese every day on Duolingo from the end of February through December and still going strong. Still working on the confidence of speaking it though.


-       Work out 5x a week Definitely did not happen.

    -       Lose ten more pounds - Also did not happen. 

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