Monday, August 22, 2022

Nine Year Anniversary!

Even though I told Danny we'd just count our day trip to the beach as our anniversary celebration we decided to go ahead and do something fun today anyway. After all, it is our nine year anniversary and of course we would find a way to do something special for it. We decided to explore our new town and find a restaurant that would be new to us. We decided on trying Clear Springs Restaurant. We picked it off of its history. It's the first Clear Springs Restaurant in Texas and it dates back to 1869. It's actually still in its original building but back then it was used as the town's grocery store. We were glad we went. It was between this and a bbq place that everyone tells us we should try and it turned out pretty well. There was a really funny moment with Hudson and the waitress. She had come to get our order and he looked at her with an all too seriously concerned expression and asked "did you kill all these animals?!?". The walls are decked out in taxidermy animals and he definitely noticed them. The waitress didn't know how to respond to him I think out of fear of breaking his little heart. He's got the purest little tender soul. As they say in Texas 'bless his heart'.

How is it that I managed to take pictures of us with the babies but none with us together? Fail.
But look how cute those little girls are! Even though the only reason we are holding them is because they were getting very impatient in those highchairs. Eating out with five young kids is an adventure on its own.

Happy anniversary Danny babe. At the beginning of the month we drove four days to get to our new place which would be empty for two weeks until our moving truck got here. No beds, pots and pans, toys, tv and just a suitcase with limited clothes to use. It was two weeks where we literally had no where specific we had to be. The kids were still on summer break and you hadn't started your new job yet. Just us all together in a place none of us had been before. If anything that time really solidified that I really like these people I'm surrounded by. That and that I'm never going to take for granted a kitchen table, washer or dryer again. I love you Daniel George. Here's to eternity! 

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