Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Staying Sane

The kids are adapting like champs here and I find myself feeling like I might go nuts. Danny and I keep taking the kids to the grocery store because we're plain bored over here haha. I'm so ready for our moving truck to get here so I can finally feel like I'm being productive with all this free time. It's hard because we have this amazing opportunity to explore this new town but you kind of need money to do that which is something we're a bit low on at the moment. Danny doesn't start his new job yet until next week and the kids start school so soon so I would like to feel like we've settled but we're not quite there yet. Today I was looking through videos on my phone and I couldn't help but smile at these. My kids really have been so amazing through this all. I can't believe how little they actually need to create their own fun. I could learn a lot from them.
When the girls first wake up from their naps they play peekaboo and it's my new favorite thing. I took three videos of them doing the same thing over and over. Here's one of them.

Here's just a little snippet of life these last couple of days.

Also we have geckos in our house. That's new.

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