Thursday, August 11, 2022

Texas Splashpad Fun

We've been here nine days now and I'm definitely feeling better than I did a week ago. We got pest control to come out here and spray the house both inside and out and that has really helped with the roaches and the ants. Addie has already met four kids who are in her grade at Clear Spring Elementary and by Monday we should get info for both Addie and Hudson's classes. The ward seems really nice and we came at a great time because the first Sunday of every month they have a munch and mingle which is basically a giant meal for everyone. The menu was tacos so Texas really gave a good impression for our first Sunday here. Our neighbors are all really friendly and nice so far and whenever all seven of us are together in the grocery stores we get stopped by nearly a dozen people all telling us how blessed we are as a family with so many kids. It's refreshing to say the least. There's a lot of good things about our place and the state in general.

With that said I think boredom is hitting both Danny and I. The kids have done awesome occupying themselves and finding or making their own fun meanwhile Danny and I both find ourselves asking each other "now what?". We found out that our truck might not come to us until next Monday which is a bummer because all I want to do is finally unpack and make this house feel like home. When people ask me if we've settled in yet I feel like I can't even answer that because none of our belongings are even here to be 'settled'. To try and keep myself sane today after getting the news of the truck delay I did a lot of scrolling through my pictures and videos of my family and then Danny and I decided we needed to get out of the house and find something to do. We ended up deciding on a splash pad which was the best thing. All of our spirits seemed to need it. I loved watching my six favorite people all thoroughly enjoy themselves. It was the babies' first time at any splash pad and they had so much fun. They were squealing for joy the whole time. Even Hudson surprised me by going under the giant water bucket multiple times. This is my kid who never gets his hair wet when we swim or play with water. He was having so much fun. They all were.

With the moving truck not getting here for four more days I initially felt sad about it but I'm trying to fully enjoy these next few days. We might never have a time like this again where none of us have places we have to be at or things we have to do. We're in an entirely new place where we literally have nothing to do but explore and take advantage of all this time together. No work, no school, no obligations. Just each other. I know I'll remember this and I hope these last weeks will be ones that our kids will remember with fondness as a unique time in their childhood. We really are so blessed.


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