Friday, August 26, 2022

Glass Bottom Boat Tour

Grant has struggled this week. He's been feeling left out with not being able to go to school. He's signed up for the same online school that Addie did when she was in preschool but he hates that he doesn't get to leave for school like his siblings do. He moaps around the house missing his older siblings terribly the whole time they're gone but then once they're home he then directs a lot of anger towards them. He's been a little mean and it's so sad because we can see that he's just feeling so many feelings this week and doesn't know what to do with them. Danny and I were talking last night and we decided to surprise him with a glass bottom boat tour. It's in San Marcos near Danny's building. Danny has been wanting to do it and thought it would be nice for me to take the three younger kids and join Danny while the other two were in school. I was excited to let Grant know about it today when I woke him up. He was a little worried at first because he was imagining a giant ship but I explained it a little better and told him that we would just go and he can decided if he wants to get on the boat once we were there. He agreed and we went and it turned out to be a great morning. It was exactly what his little soul needed. Some special Grant time (although of course the twins tagged along). We got there at an amazing time because we got the whole boat to ourselves. There was a huge homeschool group of families that got on the boat after us so it was really really nice that we got there when we did. It was really cool. The water was beautiful and once Grant saw what the boat looked like he couldn't wait to get on. We saw a lot of fish but I think the turtles were our favorites.

This was just the tail of a giant thick snake. We later found that it had turned and was watching us the whole time. Super creepy.

After we got off the boat we walked on their boardwalk. It was surrounded by lillypads and it looked so beautiful. I wanted to take a picture and then turn that picture into a puzzle. I bet it would be fun to do. It was super hot but that's just life now.

We then went to a taco place and it was really good. I don't even remember the name of the place anymore but I would go again. Grant loves tacos so it was nice that it was him with us on this little outing. 

We then rushed back to New Braunfels back to school where I would later realize that I messed up big time today. I was getting the older two kids so excited this morning because I told them it was a half day and that I would pick them up at 1pm. I was so hyped up and I got them to my level. The thought of having them home early today made me so happy. Turns out I was wrong. I swear I had read in the school packet that Fridays were early outs. That's not the case. There are only two days for this whole school year where they get out early. So not only do they have longer school hours here than Utah but they don't even have half days. School better end a couple weeks earlier for all the time they spend there. Anyway there I was, the only car at school pickup, with three napping kids in the car and none of them transition well. I wasn't sure if I should just hang out there for two hours and just be first in line or if I should head home. I ended up going home. Had I known I didn't have to rush back I would have easily spent more time with Danny today in San Marcos. It was so fun. Grant was so excited to tell Addie and Hudson about our day and thankfully they responded really well to missing out on it. They had us promise to take them one day and we gladly promised. I can't wait for them to experience it.

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