Saturday, October 8, 2022

Addie's Baptism Day

Addie Rae made the choice to get baptized today. She is officially a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are so proud of her and her willingness and desire to follow in Christ's footsteps.

At first we thought it would be pretty small as far as attendance goes. We thought it would just be us, the Olsens and my parents with someone from the bishopric and primary presidency, but then the night before the baptism someone from the ward reached out and told me that she saw the baptism event when she was looking at the building schedule and asked if she could spread the news in the ward newsletter email. I told her of course that it would be fine and it actually did bring out several more members of our ward. I was pretty shocked by it but in the best way.

We had online streaming available for Danny's parents plus Jaina (she lives with them) and my parents flew into Texas. My dad gave the talk on baptism and Debbie gave the talk on the holy ghost.  One of the sister missionaries gave the opening prayer while I gave the closing prayer and Danny conducted the songs. Addie was so cute in her little jumpsuit. The water in the font was incredibly warm, maybe too warm. It felt more like a hot tub. Addie felt some hesitation as soon as her toe touched the water and had a brief moment where she said "I can't do this, I can't do this". Danny encouraged her to move forward and once she got in the water she was fine. My dad and I were both the witnesses for Addie. I had to hold Rylee during it so she probably got a pretty good view. Rylee and Quinn's favorite part was watching the baptism happen. I was a little nervous for how they would do during the time that Danny would be changing his clothes and I'd be helping Addie change into hers but they did so good. I put Rylee down and quickly stepped out fully expecting them to cry the whole time but surprisingly they didn't. Rylee settled right into Hudson's lap and Quinn stood nearby and all of the kids just watched as the water was being drained from the font. The actual baptism portion of the morning and waiting for Addie and Danny to return dressed were the best moments for these busy toddlers. The rest of the time was a little more wild for the twins. They would not sit still. I had to take them out in the hall for the confirmation because they would not be quiet. That's life with toddlers though. Addie's morning was sweet and beautiful and we know she made an amazing choice on this day. Addie we love you so much and will always support you in whatever you do.

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