Saturday, October 15, 2022

Floating Hudson!

It's October and we're outside swimming. What even is this life? It still feels surreal some days that we're not in Utah anymore. Today was a big day for Hudson. It was just me and the three older kids while Danny stayed home with napping babies and I was determined to help Hudson with his fear of water. I told him that to trust me and that there was no way I would ever let anything happen to him. After a couple of minutes he agreed to get into the big pool as long as I held him. We got into the water and I held him as I walked further away from the sides of the pool. He clung on pretty tight. I then convinced him to face outward while I still promised to hold onto him. He turned. Gradually I promised to still hold onto him but that he couldn't cling on to me anymore and that I would still keep him safe. He did. I told him that we would start walking back to the stairs and that he could get out. He didn't know that I slowly was lessoning my grip on him (I had been holding onto his water floaties). When we near the stairs I wasn't even holding him anymore and he was doggy paddling to the side while thinking it was me pushing him forward. I was cheering him on the whole time and then I got in front of him. When he realized I was in front of him and not holding him his eyes got huge and he panicked a little. I helped him realize that he was floating and safe and then he just started laughing. It was so cute. I grabbed him though and I told him that I could walk him the couple of feet left to the stairs or that I could walk right by him as he did it on his own. To my surprise he chose to do it on his own. All I had wanted to do was show him that he could float as long as he had his floaties on. That had been one of his biggest issues is that he thought he would sink. He got to the stairs while Addie, Grant and I cheered him on. I told him that he was done and that he could get out and go play in the kiddie splash pool now but he didn't want. He spent the rest of the time swimming with his siblings. It was awesome. I told him that I was sorry for lying and that I was so proud of him because I knew this was a huge deal for him. He was so excited to tell Danny about it and has been asking every hour if we can go back soon to show his dad in person. I'm proud of him and love that kid so much.

We had the entire pool to ourselves. It was amazing.
First picture of all three older kids in the pool without being held. The other two were so proud of their brother.

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