Thursday, October 27, 2022

Nine Week Stallion

I got a message from Addie's teacher ten days ago that read "Addisyn has worked so hard this 9 weeks and she is a great leader. I picked her to be the stallion of the nine weeks. There will be a special ceremony to recognize the stallions of the nine weeks Thursday, October 27th at 8am in the cafeteria." I knew Addie was going to be so excited about being the stallion of the first nine weeks. She really has been working so hard at school to be the best student she can be. I decided not to tell her and to surprise her instead at her ceremony which was today. Danny dropped her off at school and then hurried home where I was waking up Grant and the twins to get them ready. We had to rush a little bit but we made it just in time to see her getting herself a donut in the cafeteria. They were honoring these students and their families by providing a little fun breakfast with orange juice and donuts. Grant really liked that. The timing of this even happened to fall during the school's spirit week and today the kids are dressed up as their dream job which is why Addie is dressed as a zoologist. Being able to show our support for Addie was a nice way to start our day. I'm really proud of our girl.

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