Thursday, May 4, 2023

Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo

I was able to chaperone Hudson's field trip yesterday and it was so fun. His field trip was supposed to be at the Doseum in San Antonio last week but they canceled it because of rain and changed it to a different field trip yesterday. I wasn't going to chaperone when it was a week ago but when Hudson found out that I wasn't he got really sad. I felt bad because I hadn't gone to Addie's either even though I did get to go to Grant's. It can get kind of hard with still having young twins at home. He asked if I could do it for the next one and when they ended up changing it I hopped on board as a chaperone for him. I'm so glad I did. I need to remind myself to always jump at the chance of one on one time because we both loved it so much. He was so happy I was coming along and it was really good for me too. The new location was so much closer to home as well which was nice. They started at Landa Park where they got to play for about an hour before having lunch and then got back on the bus to the Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo. We've passed this little zoo almost every time we head to San Antonio and have always wanted to check it out. Yesterday Hudson and I finally were able to do that. It was really cool. It's not big at all but had several animals like lions, panthers, jaguars, crocodiles, buffalo, hyenas and Hudson's favorite - a lemur. They also have a petting zoo which was pretty fun as well. We were split into little groups and in mine it was both of the Hudson's. I was able to send the other little Hudson's mom plenty of pictures of the two of these little buds. I'm so glad I was able to have this experience with Hudson Boy. Sometimes having so many siblings so close in age can make one on one time rare so I'm really glad his field trip was changed so that I could join. Hudson Boy I love you so much. Danny thank you for taking the time off to get Grant to school and to stay home with sick little girls so that Hudson and I can have this time. I love you all.

Hudson, Hudson, Andrew and Kaysen
This goat below took Hudson's entire bag and ate it all. We tried to get it from his mouth and failed.
We switched to plastic cups after.
I love this boy.
Hudson and Kaysen

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