Monday, May 22, 2023

Little Graduates 🎓

I feel like I've been in a near puddle stat of emotions all day long. My boys are trying to grow up it seems. This morning we celebrated Hudson with his kindergarten graduation. Goodness do I love this kid so much. I was already smiling before I even got a glimpse of him as his class was walking in, but once our eyes met I couldn't help but beam with everything in me. He started smiling so big and waving his little hand as he continued walking with his class to their seats. I was really excited to see what his cap looked like because he had made it while at school. I knew it was a picture of a volcano because he told me the day he made it weeks ago but I couldn't picture it in my mind. It turned out so cute. Hudson was awarded his kindergarten certificate, an award for completing 38 Lessons in Imagine Math and was given the Super Sharer Award. We took some pictures of him with his teacher and friends and enjoyed nice refreshments before we had to say goodbye. I can't believe his kindergarten year is at the end. I remember crying over the thought of him being gone all day and wondering if it would be too much but now I can't even imagine having those same feelings today because he's so grown up and truly so capable of anything thrown at him. I wish he was still little but I also am so proud of who he is and what he's learned and done with this year. Hudson Boy I love you.

Hudson with Ms. Young

We then went home and got ready to head back for this preschool graduate. Grant's graduation was about an hour after he went to school so we were able to get in a quick lunch for Danny, I and the twins before we headed back to the school to support Grant.
These girls asked for their pictures to also be taken. I will never say no to that.

Grant has also had an amazing year at Clear Spring Elementary. I'm so happy we were able to get him in. I remember those first two weeks where we weren't sure if he would have an in person preschool (he does an online one on top of this). He had so many emotions during those weeks. He missed his siblings so much during the day but then wouldn't be so nice to them once they got home. That all changed once he was admitted to the elementary's preschool program. He definitely thrived. He loves school so much. His only complaint is that it isn't as long as the other grades. It's still long though as far as preschools usually go but still not long enough for him. He really really does love school. He goes Monday to Friday from 11:45am to 3:10pm. He loves that he gets out when Addie and Hudson do but would love to start when they do as well. This kid begs us to wake him up at 6:30am everyday. I haven't fulfilled that wish for him because I really love sleep and would rather not start both of our days that early but I have no doubt that he'll be ready for all day kindergarten this fall. He's so excited. We're both hoping the gets paired up with Ms. Young as Hudson did but I know he'll thrive with any of them there. Grant was awarded the Fantastic Friend Award for always being friendly with everyone. I thought that was very fitting for him. We're always hearing about how sweet he is to everyone. I love that about him. He's a little sad that summer is here and has asked that he can still see and play with all his school friends as much as possible. Grant Boy I'm going to do my best to see that you do. I love you sweet Bean.

Grant with his best friend Noah
Joseph, Noah, Paisley, and Grant
Grant with Ms. Harris and Mrs. Poole
I love this sweet little face.
Hudson was in a picture taking mood after school so I definitely liked that and took as many as he'd let me. My sweet baby boys are growing up whether I like it or not.
Hudson then asked if he could take a picture of me which seemed fair I guess.

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