Monday, July 25, 2022

Grant's 4th Birthday

Grant Bean is FOUR

All About Grant Year Four
Favorite Foods - Pizza, Tacos, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Cheesy Rollups from Taco Bell
Favorite Shows - Blippi, Floor is Lava
Favorite Movies - None
Favorite Book - Trucks
Favorite Songs - Heatwaves, Counting Stars, Lightswitch
Favorite Toy - Hot Wheels
He Can - Count to 20, Spell his name
Favorite Color - Pink                               
Nicknames - Beans, Grant Boy
Loves - Blippi, Car Wash, Garbage Trucks Day, Singing in the Car, Play-Doh 
Dislikes - Being left out.
Favorite Game - Just Dance on the Switch
* Links to all other "All About Grant" posts at the bottom.

We asked Grant where he would prefer to celebrate his birthday - Utah or Texas. He wanted Utah. So we've decided to stay here to celebrate him while we still have family close and will be moving to Texas next week instead of sooner. We were able to celebrate him with a family water party over the weekend but today for his actual day we did everything he wanted to do. We ate his favorite food which currently is Taco Bell and we spent the day at his favorite place, the Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point. I can't believe my baby boy is getting so big. I mean he's still tiny but so grown up these days. Our kitchen is currently all packed up so instead of a birthday cake he got some cookies. We'll have to make that up to him once we have a working kitchen again. Grant Boy I love you so much. You're one of my best friends for sure.

Link to All About Grant Year One
Link to All About Grant Year Two
Link to All About Grant Year Three

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