Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Thanksgiving Feast x 3

Managing the schedule for three kids having their school's Thanksgiving Feast can be a little tricky when you still have two young ones at home. Luckily two of the kids had theirs back to back and I figured the twins would do alright for an hour having to sit still in the school cafeteria but I was a little worried for the third one. Luckily I have a friend who was at the kindergarten feast and she offered her place for the twins to play at during Addie's school feast. I'm so grateful she did because the twins were able to have a lot of fun with friends and I was able to be there for each of my school aged kids. It turned out to be a really smooth morning. I had been a little stressed leading up to it because I can't ask Danny to take any time away from work for this and I wasn't sure if I would be asking too much of the twins to sit there through three lunches. It all turned out great, as they usually do. I just need to stress less and trust that we've got this handled. Happy early Thanksgiving!

Quinn trying to get in our picture.
Hudson's Lunch
Hudson and Kaysen
Quinn at our friend's house.
Addie and her friend (secret crush) Kyler.
These two were so tired by the time we got home.

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