Thursday, November 30, 2023

Hudson's Birthday Lunch Date

I was planning on having our school lunch date tomorrow but Danny unexpectedly took today off. He didn't sleep well last night and thought it would be best to work from home today. He had no idea Hudson and I were even planning on having our birthday lunch date but was happy when I invited on joining us and we'd just do it today with the two of us (plus the twins). It kind of worked out perfectly because I had a sitter lined up to watch the girls tomorrow but Quinn isn't feeling too great and I kind of felt bad about dropping her off when she's feeling a little sick. She's been a little clingy and now this way she got to stay close to us. Hudson was so excited to see both Danny and I there. He thought it would just be me. His face lit up when he saw us from where he was standing in line and he just ran to us. I love this kid. I'm so glad we're doing these little school lunch dates, it's such a small thing but it makes them feel so special. That alone makes these even more heart warming, I'm glad we were able to do it today.

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