Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Paid Off!

We did it!

In January of 2023 I wrote that I wanted to have the car paid off within fifteen months. That would be March of 2024. We did exactly that! We actually had enough to pay it all off last month in February but the credit union that we had our loan through wouldn't let us exceed their limits so when I was in Utah last week I went between the wedding and reception and paid it off in person. We can happily say that we have zero car payments now and it feels amazing. Goodbye car payments. Hopefully this time we can stay car payment free for quite a while. It seems like we always had something come up in the past. Always baby related too haha. After paying off the Prius we discovered we were pregnant with Grant and had to buy a minivan. Then after paying off that minivan we discovered we were having twins and they wouldn't fit in that minivan so we had to get a different one. Now that we have this one paid off it feels good knowing that we don't plan on buying a new vehicle for quite a while. 

Now to tackle getting completely debt free . . . . 


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