Monday, March 18, 2024

Utah Weekend

I flew to Utah for a solo quick trip where I was able to celebrate my brother Jacob's wedding. It was a lot of fun. Danny held down the fort while I was gone for four days. I'm so glad I was able to go. Sometimes a little getaway is just what I need to recharge. 😁

Thursday March 14th: My last view before I drove to the Austin airport was of little Quinnie looking up at her daddy. He did awesome taking care of everyone and everything while I was gone.
It's always a welcome sight to see mountains again.
My old stomping grounds! Go West Jordan.
We coordinated our matching shirts. My parents and brother picked me up from the airport and we headed straight to his Idaho reception from there. Melanie was originally planned to be with us as well but had to change plans due to her husband's declining health. We were able to make it to Idaho safely and later drive back to Utah that night. It was a long but fun day.
Went down memory lane going through some of our pictures together.
Friday March 15th: I got up early and after getting married drove to Salt Lake City to pick up my mom for the day. It was nice to have a good visit and catch up a little. Jacob's wedding went beautifully well and we're excited to officially have Deb in our family.
Can't believe the baby of the family is now married!
There was some time to pass between the luncheon and the Utah reception so I went to the bank and then paid a little visit to Camila's headstone. It's hard to not miss her on big family events like this but it was also nice to dedicate some time just for her. I hope she knows I miss her still and forever will.
I finally met baby Austin at the reception that night! 
You better believe I held this little boy for as long as I could. He's adorable.
Saturday March 16th: I really did miss my family but can also appreciate how nice it was to go visit friends and have it be stress free as well as take as long as I wanted. I first went and saw my friend Charisa and then followed that with having lunch with my good friend Whitney. Her husband died last November and I was able to visit her when we flew in for Christmas but this time I was really able to give her all the quality time that I couldn't really do last time. We met up for lunch and stayed for hours just talking about everything she's going through currently and has for the last year. It was really needed. Turns out she will be visiting Texas this September and if we're still here this fall I'm excited to possibly see her again. No pictures were taken with either of my time with friends but it was an amazing time. I then went to Orem to visit Grandma Great. She was so surprised to see that I was in town. I love popping in just like the old days where we would randomly show up at her place. She is always so welcoming to visits and I hope to be just like her when I'm older. While at her house I took these pictures of little Danny that she has framed in her house. He's such a cutie.
After visiting with Grandma I went to Mapleton where we had dinner and then stayed up playing games with Dave, Donna, Jaina, Jackson, Marie and Ty. This was another moment that would have been harder with kids and nice to be able to do with less worries. It was a fun game that I had never played or heard of before. I also ended up winning so that's always a plus haha.
Sunday March 17th: I met up with Whitney again and we attended our old childhood ward together. It was really cool to see people we hadn't seen in years. By this point though I did really wish I had Danny and the kids with me again. I would love to introduce my family to some really important people that helped shape me into who I am today. I felt like over the four days I was gone I went back and forth on appreciating the kid free moments I had to really wishing they could be right at my side. Sunday was the day I felt it the most. That's motherhood for you. Guilt always seems to slip in there.
Facetime with Hudson. Interestingly he kind of looks like Grant here.
We then had a game night with my side of the family Sunday evening. We kind of just threw this idea at my parents without asking for too much consent but they didn't mind. We had so much extra food from the wedding reception so they were grateful for the help in getting that eaten up. They leave for New York next week and this was kind of a goodbye for them. We had Lamoni, Aide, Sam, Tina, Giovanna, Leo, Sophia, Liam, Moroni and Pollyanna with her whole family. It was a fun night where we played several rounds of the game Exploding Kittens.
Monday March 18th: Time to fly home and see my family again! I got home just in time to pick the kids up from school and head to soccer practice.
Goodbye Utah
Hello Texas

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