Thursday, June 8, 2023

Boss Mom

I'm going to take a quick second and brag about myself. In the last seven days I have taken the kids to the splashpad three times. We went last Friday with Jeanne and her kids and then I took them two more times this week. Anytime I take all five kids somewhere by myself I feel like a boss mom. This post is mainly to boost myself up. With Danny's second job and working so hard for our family we haven't been able to see much of him. We felt really lucky to have a full day with him yesterday for his birthday. The new normal has me doing dinner and bedtime by myself every night except Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, and sometimes it just feels good to know that I can do this. Let's just say I get really excited when Danny does get home late at night and we're able to talk and spend some time together before doing it all again the next day. This summer is just starting and it's going to be full of hard work but good times.


We enjoyed a nice little picnic.

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