Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Happy Birthday Daniel George!

Today is Danny's birthday however we started his celebrations yesterday. On Wednesdays he's always gone because of Young Men's so that's where he's currently at. The kids are in bed and I'm able to write for a minute. We knew he was going to be gone tonight (a part of me was hoping he would just skip tonight but oh well), so Danny asked if we could celebrate yesterday. While he was at work Addie made decorations for the whole house. This is her little specialty. She loves birthdays. It doesn't even matter whose birthday it is she just loves celebrating them. I helped her hang up her decorations and told her that I'm pretty sure she's going to be the coolest party mom one day. She sure hopes so. I have no doubt she'll make her loved ones feel really loved and special on their day. 

The kids then all wrote personal birthday cards and I also wrote Danny a letter. I laid out his birthday presents on the counter. I made him an Oreo birthday cake and then we waited for him to come home so that we could make him feel special.

From Addie: Happy birthday. I love you because you help me with a lot of things. Thank you for that you do. I love you so much. Love, Addie

From Hudson: Happy birthday. Have good presents.

From Grant: Happy birthday. Have a good day. Love, Grant.

Danny came home and praised Addie on her hard work and loved crafts. He liked all the presents which makes sense because he basically handpicked every present he received and I believe there's two more on their way. We treated him to his favorite food. Wings. Last year we took the whole family out to Wingers and we entertained the idea of taking everyone out again to a restaurant but in the end Danny decided that what he wanted was a night in with wings. Unfortunately there is no Wingers in Texas but we do live close to a Buffalo Wild Wings so we ordered a lot of wings from there. I mean a lot. I don't think we even realized just how many wings we would be left with but leftover wings is nothing to complain about. 😁 It was delicious. Spicy yet delicious. 

Today for his actual birthday I really didn't think we would do anything. I was really surprised when I came back from my morning run and found that he took the whole day off. I was really excited. For weeks I had been asking him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he kept saying nothing. Today he had a plan. He wanted to take us all on a nature walk in San Marcos. He wanted to go to the place that the Glass Bottom Boat Tours happen and explore around there minus the actual boat tour. We all got in the car and drove there this morning. It was awesome. It was really hot but really awesome. It was good for us all to start our day together and outside. On our way to San Marcos we found a turtle on the road. Danny barely saw it before almost running it over. We pulled over and moved it to safety out of the way. We all praised Danny for being Heroic while wearing a Heroic shirt haha. I'm sure that turtle would agree with us. While we were walking the boardwalk a huge bird landed right on the rail in front of us. The way it was looking at us actually made me a little nervous. Danny believed it might have been guarding a nest nearby so we slowly made our way past it. There seemed to be another huge bird right behind us making Danny believe his theory even more. It wasn't until later today when we were back home that Danny looked up the bird online to try and figure out which breed it was. It happened to be a new one for his bird sighting collection and I told him to count that as a new birthday present from me haha. We believe it was a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron.

We have no idea what these were but it looked really cool. Something had made webs around these leaves. We suspect they were made from some sort of caterpillar.

Remember those left over wings? They really came in handy for our lunch today. Danny was able to get back to back wings which is something I can get used to quite easily. After the girls took a nap at home Danny said he wanted us all to get in the car again to head to the library. That worked out perfect for me because I have book club later this month and needed to pick up the book for it so I was excited. The kids were also excited because we have never been to the library in the almost full year we have been here. It would be a first time for all of us. We all got our own library cards (minus the kids) and picked out the books we wanted to check out. We were able to spend Danny's birthday today doing exactly what he loves (exploring the outdoors and checking out reading books).

Happy birthday babe! We're lucky and blessed to have you.

These bottom pictures were from when I took the twins to HEB to buy birthday cake supplies while the other kids were playing at a friend's house. These girls were hamming it up and I loved it.

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