Sunday, June 4, 2023

Home Lunch Pictures

It's been over a week since I drew a little picture to go along with the kid's lunches from home. It was mostly done for Addie because both Hudson and Grant liked the school lunches. I actually really like doing these so I don't mind continuing this little tradition on as long as the kids will let me. 😁

Danny also wanted to draw one so Addie got two in her lunch box that day. His is on the right. Not bad.
I didn't like the one below so I thought it would be better with a tree. I still don't think it worked out.
Addie was so nice about this one. I didn't even take a picture of it because I thought I did so bad. I even wrote on it 'sorry I messed up haha'. She's the sweetest and wrote back "I love it. No you did not." That's when I decided to take a picture of it. From now on I'm not going to be hard on myself because she'll love anything I put in her lunchbox.

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