Friday, July 22, 2022

Girl's Night

Jill got free tickets to a play shown at Sundance and invited Addie and I to join her. At first when she told me the play starts at 8pm I was a little hesitant because that's bedtime around here but that feeling quickly subsided because of how soon we won't have these opportunities to hang out with family once we move so I said heck yes! The play was Cinderella so I was especially excited for Addie since she played Cinderella in her own little play. The night came and it was so much fun. We didn't get home until so super late but Addie had a great time and so did I. It was a fun little girls night and it makes me look forward to the many more girls nights I'll have with my daughters. Thanks Jill for inviting us!

Also I got to meet Shaun and Nicole Johnson from the Johnson Files and I was geeking out over it. I worked up my courage and asked them for a picture and they both said yes. It made me regret that I had taken Danny's plaid jacket with me in case it got cold and because all of my sweaters are packed up but oh well I'm still glad I got our picture taken. It was a fun night.

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