Sunday, July 17, 2022

Living Planet Aquarium

Yesterday was a full busy day. We spent the morning cleaning out the garage and getting a donation pile ready to haul to the DI. We're really in crunch time with packing and we got a lot done which was really nice since the rest of the day we weren't really home. My extended family had a family reunion that has been scheduled for a couple months now so we drove down to South Jordan for that around lunch time. We spent a couple hours there visiting with my cousins, aunts and uncles and it was really good to say some goodbyes in person. The kids were able to play with my cousins' kids and they all kept my Aunt Becky busy with the snow cone station. I took exactly zero pictures of any of it, which is unusual for me but I really didn't have my phone on me at all. It stayed in my bag the whole time and I was fully present in all my conversations. I'm really going to miss seeing this side of the family so I'm glad we were able to make time for this reunion.

Since we were in that area Danny came up with the idea of stopping at the aquarium on our way back. A couple weeks back he had mentioned that if he could choose one last thing to do in Utah it would be the Aquarium and I hadn't thought of it since to be honest. I knew this was something he really wanted to do so we decided to continue our day and head that to the aquarium. I didn't realize how long it had been since we were last there but none of the kids could remember it so I guess it's been a couple years at least. They all loved it. Even the twins really liked it. They had only a ten minute nap in the car so we thought it would be rough since they essentially didn't have a full nap that day with our outings but they were so energized by all the animals they were seeing. It makes me want to take them to the zoo but I doubt we'll have time for that. Before the end of the year we'll have to visit the Texas zoo or something since it's halfway through the year and we haven't gone yet. Anyway, I really loved having this time together as a family where everyone was really happy and helpful. I told Addie that my favorite part of the day was watching her lift her little brothers up so that they could look into the exhibits. She did it several times for both Hudson and Grant and I enjoyed watching her almost more than the animals itself. It was a really fun time. It was also a nice distraction from all the packing that we still need to finish back at home.

We got home in time for dinner and baths and then I went out the door once again for a girl's night with the ladies in our last old house. It's crazy that we are now entering all our 'lasts' before we move. We get together for a girl's night at least once a month and this was my last time before I see them all together for awhile. It was a full fun day and it makes me really appreciate all the people I have in my life. I'm blessed.

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