Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Kindergarten Ready

The plan was to have a special one on one lunch date with Huddy boy after getting his kindergarten shots but he chose to have Grant join us. I love their cute little bond. It was also cute how excited Grant was to join his brother on a little date to McDonalds. Hudson was so brave for his shots and did cry a little but then was quickly over it. Grant was happy he got to join for the food and skip the getting shots part of this day. While we were eating our lunch we got news that the moving truck showed up so we were all excited to get home to it. I can't believe we move in three days and as busy as we all are with this move it was really nice to take an afternoon and just enjoy time with the boys. Hudson I'm so proud of you and of your cute generous heart. You're going to be an amazing kindergartner. 💙

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