Sunday, July 10, 2022

Minnesota Conference

Danny went to a research conference in Minnesota for four days while I held down the fort here. The kids said bye Wednesday night and will see him tomorrow (Monday). I'm actually kind of proud of myself for not once spending money on food for us. It can be easy to fall to the excuse on not wanting to make a full meal when you're the only adult here but I cooked us full meals the whole time with the exception of Jack's birthday party where we went there for a bbq. The first two nights of bedtime routine weren't so smooth but then it seemed like we all got into a new groove and there weren't any issues. With that said though I'm still excited for Danny to get back later tonight. He should be getting home around 10pm and since the kids are all in bed they'll be seeing him either first thing tomorrow morning or around dinnertime in the evening. It all depends on when Danny is able to get up and out the door for work. It's been a good week but I'm ready for him to return. 😊

Lots of cuddles.
Grant came into my bed in the middle of the night and he was so upset with me. Turned out he had a nightmare where I was pushing him in the stroller but I went too fast, he fell out and I left him there. Poor kid. He was so mad at me but eventually realized it never happened and finally fell back asleep. I loved waking up to this cutest view.
Addie was outside when a little bird fell out of the tree. She spent the whole afternoon making sure it stayed safe.
Jack's first birthday party.
More snuggles.
Doing church as a solo parent with five kids is not easy. After trying relief society with both babies we snuck into the end of nursery. It was their first and I know they still have just under two months before they officially join but they looked so tiny in there.
EDIT - Daddy is home and the babies were the ones who gave the warmest reaction. I don't think they even realized how much they missed him until they saw him this morning.

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