Friday, July 1, 2022

Jolley Good Time

One of my best friends is Charisa Jolley. We met in seventh grade and have been friends since. She's one of the few that I still get together with from my childhood and my kids love her just as much. We were able to get our families together for the last time before our move later this month and the kids had so much fun. Fun fact - Charisa has been the first person after Danny to find out about each of my positive pregnancy tests followed closely by Pollyanna. She also was in the know about the twins being twins the whole time. Since the day I found out. Anyway it's pretty obvious we're very close and this barbecue they threw together for us only made me wish we lived closer all these years. I didn't get too many pictures or any of all of us (our five kids plus her six) but it was a great evening.
Baby Addie with Baby Jet

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