For Rare Disease Day I shared some new thoughts and pictures to my social media platforms. Of course I'm posting them here in my journal as well. Camila I love you and miss you.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Rare Disease Day 2023
Monday, February 27, 2023
Second Birthday Letter to Quinnie C
Dear Quinn,
Quinnie Rue my little caboose, you are two! You're quick, smart, sweet, and you have no fear which can be stressful at times but I also love how brave you are. You love being outside and you're always wanting to ride down the hills or driveways in whatever bike like riding toy you can get your hands on. You want to be on the go and you want to be fast. If it wasn't so stressful for me it would be a lot of fun to watch haha. Instead I'm trying to catch you to avoid any scrapes or bruises that I see heading your way. I love that you keep me on my toes though.
You are also an amazing hugger. You don't even go to bed without making sure that every single person has been given a hug from you and then you tell them 'night night' and it's the cutest thing. You're not even doing it to prolong bedtime or anything it's honestly because you really do want to see everyone one last time with some loves before going to sleep. It makes me smile for sure. You love to climb things which also stresses me out but that's just another small example of how daring you are. I would say that as adventurous as you seem to be you are equally all about girly things. You love dresses, your hair done, and pretty bows in your hair. You beg for your hair to be done and it's adorable. You're so much fun and I can't believe I get to be your mom. I love you so much baby Q.
Second Birthday Letter to Rylee Gene
Dear Rylee,
Rylee Girl you have been such a joy in our home these past two years. I never would have thought that a curly haired little girl would help make our family feel even more complete than it already did. You are hilarious, so caring, and a little firecracker. We all love you so much. You have definitely trying to be way more independent than I would like you to be but it's so fun watching you grow up. It feels like just yesterday you came into our lives several weeks early and you've been so strong every day since.
You still love music so much and it's everyone's favorite when you start singing along. You're really good about keeping on beat even if the words you're using are made up words. Our attention is always grabbed when you start singing and we'll just watch you with proud looks on our faces. You're a little star and you know it.
You give amazing hugs and I hope that doesn't stop because I plan on accepting those for the rest of my life. You have an amazing heart and you genuinely want everyone to be okay. I happened to be holding you in my arms the moment that my sister died and it was your hugs that made anything about that moment feel okay. I love you so much sweet girl and would be so lost without your sweet spirit in our home. Happy birthday Rylee Gene, my little namesake baby.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
"You Okay?"
These videos are from tonight when we were putting the birthday girls down to bed. This interaction was between Quinn and Danny and I just had to record it. She was being so funny and this moment felt so special. I want to make sure I don't forget it.
"You Okay?"
"Twincess' Birthday Girls
My babies are two!! Also I should probably stop referring to them as babies because they're full on toddlers these days. I think I say this every time one of my babies turn two but this time it's different because these really are my babies. My last ones. I was almost eight months pregnant when Addie turned two, I already had an almost five month old when Hudson turned two and I got the positive pregnancy test the day that Grant turned two. These twins have been the 'babies' for longer than any of their siblings got to be and it's surreal to think about. We are definitely done so don't get my emotions confused with that haha but it's a little sad to think that their lasts will really be the lasts. Goodness I love being a mom to all five of them. Today I'm excited to celebrate these two though.
Her Favorite Foods- All fruit, Ramon Noodles, Avocados, Cheese and French FriesHer Favorite Songs - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus
She Dislikes - Getting her hair washed, Not being able to buckle herself
Her Favorite Foods- All Fruit especially Bananas, Cheese, Avocados, and Ranch DipHer Favorite Songs - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Popcorn Popping
She Dislikes - Not being able to buckle herself and going anywhere without her bunny
Rylee is reserved and cautiously curious. She's a mama's girl and gives the tightest hugs. She loves being independent and wants to do everything herself. It's admirable but not so fun when I'm rushing to get Grant out the door and to school and we have to wait for Rylee to do her own buckle in the carseat. Rylee is the first to ask if someone is okay and will freely give kisses if they're not. She loves to sing along and will make up her own baby words and does so while keeping along with the actual tune. It's pretty cool.
Quinn is sweet, obsessed with her stuffed bunny, won't go to bed without first saying night night and hugging every single person, and is a lot more daring than any of her older siblings. She really wants to take a bike and ride down the hill in the field near our house. We're always catching ourselves having to save her from causing some serious harm because she's either going to fast or is up too high. She's fearless. Until it comes to anyone outside of our family. Strangers or not. It takes her a moment to really warm up and show her personality with them.
Both girls LOVE Buc-ee's, Bluey, riding scooters and just being outside. Happy birthday sweet girls. I cannot believe you are two years old. 💛🤍
We opened some gifts after getting home from church. Addie, Hudson and Grant all gave them some of their old toys that they thought the girls would like. They got some books from Oma and Opa and their own little table and chair set from Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson.
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Facetime with Oma and Opa |