Monday, February 27, 2023

Second Birthday Letter to Rylee Gene

Dear Rylee,

Rylee Girl you have been such a joy in our home these past two years. I never would have thought that a curly haired little girl would help make our family feel even more complete than it already did. You are hilarious, so caring, and a little firecracker. We all love you so much. You have definitely trying to be way more independent than I would like you to be but it's so fun watching you grow up. It feels like just yesterday you came into our lives several weeks early and you've been so strong every day since. 

You still love music so much and it's everyone's favorite when you start singing along. You're really good about keeping on beat even if the words you're using are made up words. Our attention is always grabbed when you start singing and we'll just watch you with proud looks on our faces. You're a little star and you know it.

You give amazing hugs and I hope that doesn't stop because I plan on accepting those for the rest of my life. You have an amazing heart and you genuinely want everyone to be okay. I happened to be holding you in my arms the moment that my sister died and it was your hugs that made anything about that moment feel okay. I love you so much sweet girl and would be so lost without your sweet spirit in our home. Happy birthday Rylee Gene, my little namesake baby.



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