Monday, February 27, 2023

Second Birthday Letter to Quinnie C

Dear Quinn,

Quinnie Rue my little caboose, you are two! You're quick, smart, sweet, and you have no fear which can be stressful at times but I also love how brave you are. You love being outside and you're always wanting to ride down the hills or driveways in whatever bike like riding toy you can get your hands on. You want to be on the go and you want to be fast. If it wasn't so stressful for me it would be a lot of fun to watch haha. Instead I'm trying to catch you to avoid any scrapes or bruises that I see heading your way. I love that you keep me on my toes though. 

You are also an amazing hugger. You don't even go to bed without making sure that every single person has been given a hug from you and then you tell them 'night night' and it's the cutest thing. You're not even doing it to prolong bedtime or anything it's honestly because you really do want to see everyone one last time with some loves before going to sleep. It makes me smile for sure. You love to climb things which also stresses me out but that's just another small example of how daring you are. I would say that as adventurous you seem to be you are equally all about girly things. You love dresses, your hair done, and pretty bows in your hair. You beg for your hair to be done and it's adorable. You're so much fun and I can't believe I get to be your mom. I love you so much baby Q.



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