Friday, February 3, 2023

Texas 'Winter' Storm

It's been a very interesting week. Monday was a student holiday so we didn't have any school. We were at a friend's house when we got a notification that we wouldn't have any school the next day either because of a 'severe winter storm' coming our way. The kids and I laughed about it a little because the weather was going to be 40°. It's the end of January and early February it's supposed to be cold but this weather in Utah would feel like a summer day right? We took the day off and played all day expecting to go back to school shortly after but then we got another notice informing us that school would still be out. I will admit that at this point even though we were joking about the degrees of the coldness we actually did feel cold haha. Something about the humidity mixed with the wind chill did make it cold but enough to cancel school? No. Our nieces and nephews in Utah were going to school this week and leaving the house in 5° haha. On Wednesday we were told that we would have school on Thursday with a two hour late start so we put the kids to bed that night with them being excited to return. Then we received yet another notice that school will continue to be closed and that there would not be school on Thursday. The kids were already asleep at this point so we didn't tell them of the change. They woke up the next morning worried that they had overslept. When I told Addie that they were closed again she could only say "Okay now this is just crazy" haha. We all felt the same way along with all our Utah friends and family who were following along on social media as I posted about our winter storm while they were getting literal feet of snow and still having school. We didn't even get a single drop of rain haha. It's been a comical week for sure for this Utah family living in Texas. School literally closed for almost a week because it was . . . cold. It's now Friday and the kids finally went back to school today for the first time since last week. It's going to be back to normal by Sunday and we can't wait.

The coziest morning.
That predicted time of rain never actually happened in our area at least.

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